
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Heard On The Street

The best advice: Just don't screw it up, Buddy!

Luca Battini Project

Christian Fraser's article on Lucca Battini's most ambitious project (painting 1,700 sq ft Renaissance style fresco telling the story of Ranierus, Pisa's patron saint) @ was interesting. Hats off to Lucca Battini!

Singapore Showcase

The art world has started to globalize.

Go to for further information.

Venice International Film Festival

The 65th Venice International Film Festival, organized by the Venice Biennale, runs 27 August - 6 September, 2008. Check out information @

Changing The Game

Changing the Game: How Video Games Are Transforming the Business World by David Edery + Ethan Mollick is a fascinating book on the evolution of gaming technology at workplace + the impact. A must read.

Useful links:

Devi Art Foundation

Somini Sengupta's article on Anupam Poddar + Lekha Poddar + the new art collectors in India + other viewpoints @ was interesting.

Useful link:

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New Film-making Technology

I found the new film-making technology + the computer models @ intriguing. Amazing technology. I really liked it.

Useful link:

Random Thoughts

Trying to make some sense of it all,
But I can see that it makes no sense at all,
Is it cool to go to sleep on the floor,
'Cause I don't think that I can take anymore
Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right,
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.

- Stuck in the Middle with You
Stealers Wheel

Great lyrics. I liked it.

David Amram

David Amram is an American composer, musician, conductor, and writer. I love his music.

Useful link:

I learned from my uncle that jazz, like symphony music, was built to last.
- David Amram

Creative Capitalism

Nancy Koehn's essay on creative capitalism + the approach @ was interesting and insightful. I also found Michael Kinsley + Conor Clarke's blog @ useful. Thanks Nancy.

Oil Pricing

Ari J Officer + Garrett J Hayes's article on oil pricing + the impact @,8599,1834888,00.html was brilliant. The futures market has become the public driving force in pricing oil. There is no doubt about it.

Useful links:

It is in every oil supplier's best interest for prices to go up. Oil is a finite commodity.
- Ari J Officer/Garrett J Hayes

How true!

Canada's Oil Sands

I found WWF's press release on Shell’s oil sands + ASA ruling @ interesting. I don't know if the ASA ruling has any practical impact + Shell will keep extracting and processing tar sands, as will many other firms in Alberta, Canada.

Useful links:

Argyle Pink Diamond Tender 2008 Update

According to a press release from Rio Tinto Diamonds, the 24th annual Rio Tinto Argyle Pink Diamond Tender will be held in Perth (August 21 - 22, 2008), New York (September 2 - 5, 2008), London (September 9 - 11, 2008) Hong Kong (September 15 - 20, 2008) Tokyo (September 24 - 26, 2008) and Sydney (October 1 - 2, 2008). The world's most exclusive diamond sale will feature 65 of the world's rarest pink diamonds from the Argyle mine in Australia - the world's main source of pink diamonds. With Argyle mine supply currently predicted to run out by 2018, the rarity and exclusivity of these earthly treasures has enhanced their image as both a key investment option and a must-have.

Useful links:

I agree. Pink diamonds are the most precious diamonds in the world.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Nader Zadi

You must meet Nader Zadi. His innovative approach to eyewear philosophy with designs and quality for unique faces are absolutely breathtaking. Go to for further information.


Photosynth, a unique software from Microsoft transforms regular digital photos into a three-dimensional, 360-degree experience. I liked it.

Useful links:

Coco Chanel, An Icon

Lizzy Davies's article on Coco Channel, a life full of twists and turns, drama and big love affairs + the new state of mind in France on celebrity culture + other viewpoints @ was brilliant. 2009 may be the year of Chanel.

Useful links:

Global Energy Crisis

I found the Economist debate on global energy issues @ interesting. Brilliant!

Useful links:

Samuel Lynne Galleries

Phil Romano, the founder of Fuddrucker’s, Romano’s Macaroni Grill, Cozymel’s and EatZi’s Market & Bakery + Dallas-based artist JD Miller is to open the Samuel Lynne Galleries on September 19, 2008. I hope the gallery will make Dallas famous.

Useful links:

Jonathan Blow

Jonathan Blow is a programmer/designer who works on advanced and experimental video games. Braid was a very cleverly designed game.

I found the interview @ interesting and insightful. All I know is that the medium is breaking new ground with immersive experiences. Hats off to Jonathan!

Useful links:

Disrupting Class

Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns by Clayton M. Christensen + Curtis W. Johnson + Michael B. Horn is a great book with fascinating case studies and will get you to think differently. A must read.

Useful links:

Burmese Gem Sales and Statistics

Pala gems has some interesting statistics on Burmese gems sale @ which I thought was interesting.

Useful link:

Phakant Jade Mine

According to Mizzima, scores of people had been killed in a landslide while searching for gold in the dumping site of jade mining companies at Hmawsizar jade mine in Phakant, Myitkyinar district, Kachin State, northern Burma. Landslides frequently kill people in these remote jade and gold mines, but the news of these tragic deaths rarely reach the outside world. Jade from Phakant mines are well-known worldwide for their quality.

Useful link:

Sunday, August 24, 2008

World Values Survey

If you want to learn more about values and cultural changes in societies all over the world, go to for further information. The findings may surprise you.

Fooling Some Of The People All Of The Time

Fooling Some of the People All of the Time: A Long Short Story by David Einhorn is an interesting investment book (investing novel) + provides great insight into the politics of business. A great read.

Useful links:

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Colours Wheelchair

Colours Wheelchair, a manufacturer of ultra-light, athletic wheelchairs for active, physical wheelchair users, has set a new standard for cutting-edge design. Innovation + inspiration + interaction. I liked it. Hats off to John Box!

Useful link:

The Momentum Effect

The Momentum Effect: How to Ignite Exceptional Growth by J.C. Larreche highlights various aspects of marketing strategy + execution in this age of intense and globalized competition. A must read.

Useful link:

Comic Books + Digital

Comic books are going digital + I think the new motion comics medium may add luster to the characters + help companies monetize at low cost. Great opportunity!

Useful links:

M F Husain

M F Husain, is one of India's best known artists + he is often called the Picasso of India. He has just spent his 93rd birthday in self-imposed exile due to threats from Hindu groups enraged by his paintings of nude gods and goddesses. My view is freedom of expression in the world's largest self-styled democracy may have various interpretations, it's time to honour the great artist for his dedication and courage to the cultural renaissance of modern India.

Useful link:

The Edge Of Heaven

The Edge of Heaven (original title in German: Auf der anderen Seite, in Turkish: Yaşamın Kıyısında) is a 2007 Turkish-German film written and directed by Fatih Akın.

Useful links:

It is a very powerful film + magnificent performance. A must see.

Andesine Update

Colored Stone's David Federman has an interesting article on andesine @ which I thought was brilliant. I would suggest Robert James, president of the International School of Gemology in San Antonio, Texas to continue his research.

Jewelry Update

Simona Covel's article on John Christian and the innovative Platanium (platinum + titanium) jewelry product line @ was interesting.

Useful links:

I liked the fancy name, Platanium!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Chasing Art Thieves

Kelly Crow's artilce on Robert Wittman, FBI's top art-crime investigator + his approach to undercover work @ was brilliant.

Related movies:
To Catch a Thief
The Thomas Crown Affair

Eye Jewelry

Eric Klarenbeek's eye jewelry @ was interesting, but does anyone really need an eye jewelry?

Useful link:

It's impractical. Imagine the discomfort of blinking!

Marshall Goldsmith

Marshall Goldsmith is a world authority in helping successful leaders achieve positive, lasting change in behavior. The links provide great advice for everyone who wants to live a meaningful life.

Useful links:

Like any great entrepreneur, invest your time and money in your future.
- Marshall Goldsmith

Jack Perkowski

Jack Perkowski, Chairman & CEO of ASIMCO Technologies, China's leading autoparts manufacturer, and author, Managing the Dragon, is a living example of what it takes to build a business in China. An inspiration from the world's greatest minds.

Useful links:

Companies, no matter where they are located, what business they are in, how big or small they are, they have to come to grips with China one way or another. If you pass on China and you are not here 10, 15 years from now, guess what, it is going to be very difficult for you to be global leader. I don't care who you are.
- Jack Perkowski

Momma’s Man

Momma’s Man, written and directed by Azazel Jacobs, is a must see movie and you will love it. I want to watch it again.

Useful links:

A dewdrop can reflect the universe.
- Alexander Dovzhenko

Oil Reserves

I found Eugene Gholz/Daryl G. Press's article on world's energy supplies @ interesting. As they rightly put it, when it comes to energy security, let's not let fear get the best of common sense.

Useful link:

South African Diamond Industry Update

Chaim Even Zohar writes about issues surrounding DTC Sightholders and South African government officials + Diamond Amendment Acts and administrative obstacles + other viewpoints @

A must read.

Couture 2008

Couture 2008 show is the destination for high-end jewelry designs from around the world. A must visit.

Useful link:

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Alexis Bittar

Alexis Bittar is known for his Lucite pieces + he has an impressive celeb following. In fact the pieces are beautiful. A must visit.

(via Wiki) Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) or poly(methyl 2-methylpropenoate) is a thermoplastic and transparent plastic. Chemically, it is the synthetic polymer of methyl methacrylate. It is sold by the tradenames Plexiglas, Limacryl, R-Cast,Per-Clax, Perspex, Plazcryl, Acrylex, Acrylite, Acrylplast, Altuglas, Polycast, Oroglass and Lucite and is commonly called acrylic glass or simply acrylic. Acrylic, or acrylic fiber, can also refer to polymers or copolymers containing polyacrylonitrile. The material was developed in 1928 in various laboratories and was brought to market in 1933 by Rohm and Haas Company.

Useful link:

Inventing The Movies

Inventing the Movies: Hollywood's Epic Battle Between Innovation and the Status Quo, from Thomas Edison to Steve Jobs by Scott Kirsner is a great book with interesting case studies on innovators, preservationists, sideline-sitters. A must read.

Useful link:

The Music + Brain Symposium

I found George Loomis's article on brain symposium, a unique outreach between the Cleveland Orchestra + the Cleveland Clinic, a medical center that integrates clinical and hospital care with research and education + the technological breakthroughs @ interesting and insightful.

Useful links:

I was more interested in the therapeutic value of music + the impact.

Les Rencontres d'Arles 2008

The 39th-annual Rencontres d'Arles, France's most famous photography festival, runs till September 14, 2008. A must visit.

Useful link:

3-D Movies

3-D movies are back. Fly Me to the Moon + Journey to the Center of the Earth + concert movies by U2/Miley Cyrus have become popular + coming soon = James Cameron's Avatar, DreamWorks' Monsters vs. Aliens and Pixar's Up. Illusion immersion! I love it.

Useful links:

Gold + Silver Markets

(via seekingalpha) James Conrad's article The Disconnect Between Supply and Demand in Gold & Silver Markets was educational and insightful. Thank you Mr Conrad.

Random Thoughts

A nation’s exchange rate is the single most important price in the economy.

- Paul Volcker

How true!

The Art Of Nandalal Bose

Rhythms of India: The Art of Nandalal Bose (1882-1966) will be exhibited at the Philadelphia Museum of Art till September 1, 2008. Nandalal Bose, a major artist, is perceived as the father of Indian modernism and one of the patriarchs of India’s cultural revival. A must visit.

Useful links:

The City Of Literature

Melbourne has been named a City of Literature by UNESCO. Congratulations!

Useful links:

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Only Gold

The World Gold Council has announced a new gold campaign under 'Only Gold' platform for the jewelry consumer. According to Philip Olden, Managing Director, Jewelry, World Gold Council, the 'Only Gold' platform surmises the emotional connection that people have with gold, employing the exclusive history and qualities of gold to create meaning in today's context.

Useful link:

Renewable Energy Update, the philanthropic arm of the company, is investing in geothermal projects that has the potential for accessing the Earth's vast resources of heat via the so-called Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS). The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) estimates that the application of EGS technology is capable of providing at least 100,000 MWe of electricity within 50 years.

Useful links:

Random Thoughts

If you are passionate, dedicated and talented about something, people will find you fascinating even though you are singleminded about something most people consider dull.

- Russell Sears

How true!

Certified Coffee Pros

'Q graders' uses a vocabulary based on aromas to describe coffee. Graders pass an exam administered by Specialty Coffee Assn. of America (SCAA). The license carries prestige within the industry.

Useful link:

I think you've got to have the right amount of taste buds or you don't. I see many parallels between coffee and tea/wine tasting. All customers know is if they like it or don't like it.

The Peter Principle

The Peter Principle by Laurence J. Peter is a highly entertaining and enjoyable book about hierarchies and how people act within the hierarchy. A must read.

In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.
- Laurence J. Peter

Jewelers Vigilance Committee Update

If you want to know about countries that have laws in place to prevent money laundering in the jewelry industry, go to for further information.

Heard On The Street

The expertise needed to be a diamond buyer isn't taught at a school. You have to know stones because, to the untrained eye, diamonds look similar and can be very different in price.

Santa Fe Indian Market

Santa Fe Indian Market is widely known as the place where Native American art and culture meets the world. A must visit. Go to for further information.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sky Arts Channels

From October, 2008 Sky Arts 1 will feature contemporary shows (documentaries, live rock concerts, etc), while Sky Arts 2 will show opera and other classical art content (fine art programming and dance performances).

Useful link:

New Business Start-up Trends In India

A new breed of of venture firms in India are focussing on the bottom rung of start-ups (some without even a business plan) tide over their earliest growth uncertainties. Hats off to those VC's!

Useful links:

Hedgehogs And Foxes

Hedgehogs and Foxes: Character, Leadership, and Command in Organizations by Abraham Zaleznik is an interesting book on charismatic leaders and their innovative problem-solving skills.

Useful link:

Random Thoughts

There are so many market lessons that one can learn from the Olympics. To me the most important was that that little extra is the difference between success and failure. So often during the year, during a career, one decision, one wrong practice can mean the difference between success and failure. It underlines the importance of total concentration at all times, and constant practice.

- Victor Niederhoffer

How true!

Elizabeth Yarborough

Elizabeth Yarborough's jewelry wool and cashmere wrapped bangle bracelets were beautiful, especially the colors and patterns.

Go to for further information.

Carol LaFayette

Carol LaFayette's virtual project, nondestructively mapping an ant colony via ground-penetrating radar was brilliant. To me it looked like an abstract art. I liked it.

Useful links:

Monday, August 18, 2008

Random Thoughts

A brand is a person's gut feeling about a product, service, or organization. That's my short definition. The brand isn't what you say it is. It's what they say it is.

- Marty Neumeier

I agree.

Business Innovation Factory

If you want to hear great people tell stories of innovation and how to apply it, go to

Simon Lovell

I found Intelligent Life's article on Simon Lovell + how swindlers operate @ interesting and educational. A must read.

Useful link:

But ultimately, anyone can be conned, if you have the balls to do it.
- Simon Lovell

As they say, you have to really know what you are doing, and Simon knows it too well.

Heard On The Street

Buy high and sell higher.

Lars Dalgaard

Lars Dalgaard, CEO/Founder of SuccessFactors, Inc, a global leader in on-demand performance and talent management solutions, is the winner of 2008 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year Award. Congratulations!

Useful links:

The Shirley Sherwood Gallery of Botanical Art

The Shirley Sherwood Gallery of Botanical Art at Kew Gardens, opening in spring 2008, will be the first gallery in the world dedicated to botanical art and open to the public all year round.

A must visit.

Useful links:

St. Émilion Controversy

Edward Lewine's article on the controversy over St. Émilion classification in the wine world + the growing rift between a handful of superelite vineyards in Bordeaux and the less prestigious vineyards + the global implications @ was brilliant. A must read.

Useful links:

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Gold Mining By Children

Children mining gold in Africa to help provide for their families @ was educational and insightful.

Useful link:

The sight of young African boys mining for gold was shocking.

Art’s New Tastemaker

Carol Vogel's article on rich Russians' passion for collecting art @ was brilliant. A must read.

It’s history repeating itself.
- Oliver Barker, Sothebys London

Random Thoughts

Regardless of actual job title, we all persuade for a living.

- Kurt Mortensen

How true!

The Answer

The Answer: Your Guide to Achieving Financial Freedom and Living an Extraordinary Life by John Assaraf + Murray Smith is a useful reference book in business + life. I liked it.

Useful links:

Tea Update

Elliot Wilson's article on the fast-growing tea markets @ was interesting and insightful. I think the real for passion for tea is back.

Useful links:

Tea is like wine 10 or 20 years ago - people were drinking it, but they didn't know what they were drinking. That has changed for the better, and the same thing is happening in the tea industry.
- Raschid Gibrail

Milford Oyster Festival

(via budgettravel) Don't miss the free 34th Annual Milford Oyster Festival. The pearl of this event is the aptly named 'Pearl Trail'—a treasure hunt for 20,000 of the precious orbs, donated by a local jeweler and hidden in downtown buildings + party with mollusk maniacs! It's fun.

Useful link:

Thanks, JD Rinne.

Nyala Ruby

According to Eric Braunwart, President of Columbia Gem House, Inc, Nyala ruby mine at Chimwadzulu, in Malawi, has reopened mining with the government approval. If all goes well according to plan, the company expects to market 100 percent untreated gemstones from the source.

Useful link:

Ephemeral Gardens

(via budgettravel) Quebec is celebrating its 400th anniversary this year with several events. Visual artists and landscape architects from around the world have created Ephemeral Gardens, a set of fascinating landscapes and art installations, a theatre of sensorial experiences for the world to explore and relax. A must visit.

Useful link:

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Heard On The Street

My boss is on vacation, and I am three times more productive.

Piero Antinori

Piero Antinori and his family = global powerhouse + they produce superb Italian wines.

Useful links:

The Greener Diamond Foundation

The Greener Diamond Foundation = Inspire + educate consumers on the true cost of earth-mined diamonds: financially, environmentally and socially. I think it's a great idea + if it helps to raise awareness on African issues such as HIV/AIDS + provide assistance to desperate communities, then diamonds will truly retain its natural luster.

Useful links:

TMO Renewables

Here is what TMO Renewables's site says about ethanol:

TMO Renewables has developed a groundbreaking method for producing ethanol from almost any type of biomass or biowaste. This technology will allow the production of lignocellulosic ethanol at low cost with many economic, social and environmental advantages.

Useful link:

I think once the infrastructure for supplying the raw materials are worked out, we are going to see second generation technology in place, making ethanol from biomass. The fuel ethanol market is gigantic.

Albrecht Dürer

Albrecht Dürer: Art in Transition exhibition is open at the Museum of Biblical Art in Manhattan, New York (USA). Ken Johnson writes about Dürer's graphic works + other viewpoints @

Useful links:

A must visit.

Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Vicky Cristina Barcelona is a 2008 film by Academy Award-winning director Woody Allen. It's wonderful + brilliant + funny.

Useful link:

Woody Allen still has it + I am a huge fan + I wish best of luck to Woody Allen for his new movie.

Random Thoughts

And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile
And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife
And you may ask yourself -Well...How did I get here?
And you may ask yourself
Where is that large automobile?
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful house!
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful wife!

-Talking Heads, David Byrne lyrics to Once in a Lifetime

I liked it.

Friday, August 15, 2008

BBC Proms

BBC Proms is the world's greatest classical music festival. Go to for further information. Don't miss it.

Chocolate Consumption

Consumption of chocolate products may be slowing down in volume in the U.S + selective markets worldwide due to economic downturn, high prices and health worries, but dark chocolate, organic, and single origin cholocate seems to be recession proof, depending on product type. At the end of the day how many people can really resist a chocolate? I am a dark chocolate addict.

Useful links:

Heard On The Street

The next President of the United States will implement alternative energy on a grand scale like never before.

R. Kikuo Johnson

R. Kikuo Johnson's storytelling is superb + I think poems via comic strip would also be a great idea.

Useful links:

The State Of Africa

The State of Africa: A History of Fifty Years of Independence by Martin Meredith is a fascinating book on post-colonial Africa + provides remarkable insight into African nature + leadership crisis and the impact. A must read.

Forever Marking Synthetic Gem-Quality Diamonds

Chaim Even Zohar writes about De Beers synthetic gem-quality brand (in due course) + gem synthetics strategies + other viewpoints @

Useful link:

Being An Oil Trader

I think the article on a complete novice trying his luck in the oil market @ was brilliant. I see a lot of parallels between oil market and the gem market.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Random Thoughts

It is easy to ignore the storm if you look at the opposite horizon. When the storm reaches your location there can be no more ignorance.

- James Quinn

How true!

Laurie Anderson

Laurie Anderson is a celebrated American experimental performance artist + musician. She is different and outstanding. I think she is great.

Useful link:

Solar Cells Without Fossil Fuels

I found BioSolar's petroleum-free technology interesting. They have found a new way of replacing all the petroleum plastic out of the solar cells with bio-based one. It's green and less expensive.

Useful links:

Dark Jewels

Elisa Mala's article on dark jewels + the gem materials and designs @ was interesting. I agree with her. Black (onyx + jade + black pearl) is in vogue.

Useful links:

Changing World Technologies

Changing World Technologies produces oil from turkey carcasses + their patented thermal conversion process could also produce oil from waste plastics, rubber and foam. I think we need more innovative companies like CWT to provide environmental solutions.

Useful links:

Entrepreneurship Lessons

Sanjeev Bikhchandani's article on entrepreneurship + finding meaning in life + passion and commitment to ideas @ was insightful.

Useful link:

Entrepreneurship is about freedom, creating, a chance to build a brand, an institution, showing the world a new way of doing something, being your own boss, creating a legacy that will outlive you, identity, making a difference, obsession, ego, having a shot at something big, doing what you love, innovating, doing things your way…
- Sanjeev Bikhchandani

Burmese Gem Trade Embargo

I found the article on Burmese gem trade embargo @ interesting. Amazingly, the gem trade continues to thrive in Burma. I have always believed that the sanction against the Burmese government is unlikely to have much impact on their lucrative trade. TIB (This is Burma).

Heard On The Street

When Warren Buffett starts buying, the markets take notice. And so do we…

Michael Phelps

Michael Phelps's dominating performance so far (five gold medals in five swimming events), with three more races to go, is the most compelling Olympic performance since the Munich Games in 1972. He is driven and different. He could be a great role model for his generation. Hats off to Michael.

Useful link: