Aruna Gaitonde has written an insightful report on the state of the lab-grown diamond industry in China. Must read.
P.J.Joseph's Weblog On Colored Stones, Diamonds, Gem Identification, Pearls, Organic Gems, Gem And Jewelry Enterprises, Gem Markets, Watches, Gem History, Books, Comics, Cryptocurrency, Designs, Films, Flowers, Food & Beverages, Hospitality, Small Luxury Hotels, Graphic Novels, Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Energy, Education, Environment, Music, Art, Commodities, Travel, Photography, Antiques, Random Thoughts, and Things He Like.
Thursday, November 25, 2021
Saturday, November 06, 2021
Why Aren't We Telling New Generations The Truth About Natural Diamonds?
A krillion dollar question? Richard Chetwode was spot on. To a great extent, it's the fault of the gem & jewelry and diamond industry, and the gemological educational institutions, which remains fixated with 4C's of carat weight, cut, color and clarity, and has been slow to grasp the need to talk to today's new consumers about the fifth C, community.
Monday, October 11, 2021
Grib Mine In Russia Recovers 118 Carat Diamond
AGD Diamonds has recovered a 118.05 carat gem quality rough diamond from its Grib mine in Arkhangelsk, Russia.