
Wednesday, December 31, 2008


MAD About Design

Useful link:

I think museums are great places to rediscover the 'wow' effect with meaning. Thanks Ariel.

Victor Fleming

Victor Fleming: An American Movie Master by Michael Sragow is a fascinating case-study of a genius who worked his way up the ladder to take control of some of the most ambitious and risky epics in Hollywood's history. Read it.

The Dopamine Effect

Why We Take Risks — It's the Dopamine,8599,1869106,00.html

Useful links:

I have always been curious why certain people tend to live life on the edge. May be it's dopamine, the brain's feel-good chemical. Thanks Alice for the insightful report.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ruby Sources

Christopher P Smith, C R ‘Cap’ Beesley, Elizabeth Quinn Darenius, Wendi M Mayerson writes:

Deposits of gem quality ruby may be found in approximately 20 countries around the world. However, most are concentrated in two regions where major geologic events have occurred. The first involves the orogeny or mountain-building event that is responsible for the creation of the Himalayan mountain chain—and several other associated mountain ranges—that occurred when the Eurasian and Indian plates collided approximately 55 million years ago. These ruby deposits extend from the remote areas of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan, through Nepal into Burma and across to Vietnam.

The second major geologic event that is responsible for a number of ruby deposits, as well as other gems, includes the Pan-African orogeny, estimated to have taken place approximately 800 million to 450 million years ago. This mountain-building process occurred prior to the separation of a large landmass known as Gondawana, when what are presently Eastern Africa, Sri Lanka, Madagascar and India were are all united. This event is responsible for the ruby deposits of Southern India, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Kenya, Tanzania and Malawi.

A number of other ruby sources are associated with eruptive events at the continental margin of the Pacific plate’s western edge. Along this subduction zone, erupting magmatic rocks have intersected ruby occurrences that formed deep in the mantle and transported them to the surface. These ruby sources include Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Australia. Other magmatic-related deposits that occasionally produce rubies include Kenya, Colombia and the U.S.

Random occurrences of ruby have also been found in the Ural mountains of Russia, Greenland and Brazil, as well as elsewhere.

The Growth of Ruby
All known ruby deposits are formed under metamorphic growth conditions. Metamorphism is when preexisting rocks are recrystallized without melting due to changes in temperature, pressure and/or chemical composition on a regional or local scale. A number of specific metamorphic environments are responsible for the growth of rubies within individual countries or areas. Worldwide, gems may be recovered from primary or secondary deposits, that is within the rocks where they formed or a secondary location where they had been transported, respectively. Not considering transportation, gem quality ruby deposits can be categorized into two main groups: metamorphic and magmatic-related.

Metamorphic deposits: This broad grouping of corundum deposits includes a range of specific metamorphic environments, such as marbles, mafic and ultramafic rocks, as well as those characterized by high fluid rock interaction and metasomatism of different preexisting rocks—desilicated pegmatites in mafic and ultramafic rocks, skarns, etc. However, the most important of these in terms of producing gem-quality rubies are those ruby deposits occurring in marbles.

Magmatic-related deposits: These ruby deposits required magmatic, eruptive events to transport the rubies to the surface. However, the magmatic rock—alkali-basalt, lamprophyre and syenite—is not where the rubies formed. Although these rubies have a metamorphic origin, they have a unique set of gemological characteristics that clearly distinguish them from the rubies recovered from the metamorphic deposits described previously.

Source Type Classification
A system of classification was developed by of the authors, C.P. Smith—while director of the Gubelin Gem Lab in Switzerland—that combines geologic and gemological considerations in order to compare rubies with similar properties and internal characteristics forming in various growth environments. This system allows for rubies of similar ‘types’ but from different countries to be compared, as well as rubies of different ‘types’ to be distinguished from each other. This classification can also be applied to sapphires.

The system has two tiers. The first tier separates rubies into three groups based on broad geologic formation scenarios. Two of the three groups contain stones that possess what are considered by experienced gemologists to be ‘classical’ combinations of specific gemological features for metamorphic and magmatic-related sources. For the rubies from metamorphic environments, referred to as Met, such features include a bright red color and relatively low iron content. Typical sources for the Met group include Burma, both Mogok and Mong Hsu, Vietnam, Luc Yen, and Tajikistan. Rubies from magmatic-related environments, referred to as Mag, have classical features that include a dark red, often purplish color, a relatively higher iron content and very specific inclusions. Typical sources of ruby in the Mag group include Thailand and Cambodia. A third group, designated as Met-Mag, signifies those sources that have properties and characteristics outside of the classical ones for either a metamorphic or magmatic-related deposit. However, they are characterized by a body color that has modifiers of brown and/or orange and some of the highest iron contents of any ruby sources. Ruby deposits that fall into the Met-Mag group include Malawi, Tanzania, both Songea and Winza, and Madagascar.

The second tier of the classification system subdivides each of these three groups into four categories of ‘types’, Type I-IV, based on their dominant inclusion features and supported by various other features and data from advanced analytical techniques. Type I stones are typified by ‘silk’ inclusions, most commonly needles of rutile. Type II are characterized by very fine-grained, zonal clouds of ‘dust’ particles. Type III may be distinguished by various crosshatch and flake-like inclusion patterns and Type IV are identified by concentrations of zircon inclusions and/or negative crystals associated with thin films that typically bisect the negative crystals, referred to as ‘equatorial thin films’. Combinations of these types may also occur when multiple features are encountered in a stone.
(Source: Rapaport, Vol 31, No.47, December 5, 2008)

Useful links:

I found the report in the Rapaport magazine interesting. The color pictures and inclusions are good reference sources for educational purposes, but how practical/applicable are the type categorization/classification in the gem trade. Because of the high value status of rubies and sapphires among the traders/consumers/collectors a slight variation in the hue/differences in opinion among experts could cost thousands of dollars. High tech treatments of rubies and sapphires have become a common practice. Detecting treatments/origin have also become difficult. But I believe it's a small step in the right direction. Hats off to the AGL Gemlab team.

Merchant Of Death

Flying anything to anybody

Useful links:

My view is as long as there is demand (weapons = diamonds, rubies, sapphires, gold, whatever) people like Viktor Bout will exist.

Heard On The Street

Take all expert predictions with a pinch of salt. Never invest in something you don't understand.

The Way Of The Warrior-Trader

The Way of the Warrior-Trader: The Financial Risk-Taker's Guide to Samurai Courage, Confidence and Discipline by Richard D. McCall is a fascinating reality-based book that transcends trading with proper motivation and battlefield psychology. A must read.

Green Technology Of 2008

The Top 10 Green Tech Breakthroughs of 2008

Useful links:

Great review. Thanks Alexis.

Thomas Heatherwick

Meet Thomas Heatherwick + explore his inventive projects @

Useful links:

Nineteenth Century Artwork

Artistic clues to coastal change

Useful links:

I think Robin McInnes had a keen eye and the skill to connect the dots. Hats off to Robin.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Random Thoughts

You can be sitting still surfing the Internet, and experience other worlds, ideas and societies. But I’ve found that there is nothing better than visiting a different country, even if for three days ... you can’t only be a virtual Global Nomad, with goggles on, in a virtual reality. You have to be there. You have to see it, smell it and live it. You have to see people, travel, and interact.

- Nouriel Roubini

Spot on.

Chrysoprase Chalcedony

Richard Osmond/David Baker's report on Chrysoprase Chalcedony/mining methods @ was interesting. I have seen a few pieces in Bangkok, Thailand. Well cut, good quality stones are stunningly beautiful.

The Divine Art

The Divine Art: Four Centuries of European Tapestries is on view at the Art Institute of Chicago through January 4, 2009. Go to for further info. Don't miss it.

A Life's Design

A Life's Design: The Life And Work of Industrial Designer Charles Harrison by Charles Harrison is an insightful book of an artist and industrial designer. A must read.

Useful links:

Art Update

Small is Beautiful xxvi, Flowers East, London

Useful link:

Thanks Sue.

Social Games

Cash-strapped consumers may want to try simple/casual games for an immersive experience.

Check out the links @ +

Mary Poppins

The supercalifragilistic answer

Useful links:

Last week, to understand the current crisis better, I watched it again. Now I see that not only are the bank scenes realistic, the entire film should be required viewing for all bankers: it manages to be soothing, perspicacious and upbeat all at once.
- Lucy Kellaway

Lucy, I completely agree.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Petros Chrisostomou

Meet Petros Chrisostomou + explore his art form (perfectly ordinary object becomes wholly extraordinary) @

Useful link:

The Secret Of The Grain

The Secret of the Grain
Couscous and Family: A Story of Sustenance

Useful links:

An extraordinary film with real-life feel.

Heard On The Street

These days, no one, even the most financially secure, can afford to be stupid.

Random Thoughts

Humor exposes the fact that it’s not the dumb people who cause problems, it’s the smart people who come up with dumb ideas.

- Bob Mankoff

Bob, I completely agree.

Asteroid Hitting The Earth

Asteroid Hitting the Earth
Watch this extraordinary video @


Influence: Science and Practice by Robert B. Cialdini is an insightful book on persuasive tactics. A must read.

Useful links:

The 850-pound Emerald Story

I found the 850-pound emerald/$370 million story/viewpoints @ intriguing. In my view no one in the right mind would pay US$370 million for a heavily included stone (s).

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Photoatlas Of Inclusions In Gemstones

The book Photoatlas of Inclusions in Gemstones Volume 1/2/3 by John Koivula and Edward Gubelin is a must have for anyone whose livelihood depends upon gem identification. Go to for further info.


Profile of a Social Entrepreneur

Useful links:

Marshall Goldsmith's interview with Pamela Hawley was inspiring. Thanks Marshall.


Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies by Charlene Li + Josh Bernoff is an insightful book on the growing importance of social networking applications + the impact. A must read.

John Wood

Room to Read's John Wood: Bringing the Power of Education to Children around the World

Useful links:

Inspiring, really. Hats off to John.

Heard On The Street

Gem identification is simple, but it is not easy. Gem ID is a skill (mental, emotional, physical) that takes time, patience, perseverance and courage.

Predictions 2009

Timeless and Time-Tested Warren Buffett Watch Predictions

Useful link:

Thanks Alex for the timely advice.

The Leg Lamp

I have been fan of the movie A Christmas Story, a cult classic + the film’s infamous leg lamp, a unique piece of art and imagination. The website sells replicas in several sizes.

Watch @

Useful links:

Friday, December 26, 2008

Heard On The Street

The big headache right now is credit. I can find gemstones, and selling them is not the problem. It's who to sell to and will I get paid. No one really knows what's going on right now, really. It's a new state of mind.

Top 10 Movies 2008

Top 10 Movies 2008,30583,1855948_1863826,00.html

Useful links: Encounters at the End of the World

Thanks Richard. You were spot on. I loved it.

Lessons From Madoff

Lessons From Madoff: You Would Have Missed Buffett Too

Useful link:

Thanks Larry for the timely advice.

Red Gold + Pebble Project

Ben Knight + Travis Rummel's documentary entitled 'Red Gold' was interesting because the story concerning Anglo American/Northern Dynasty Minerals gold mine project, a.k.a the Pebble Project in Alaska's Bristol Bay, and the local Alaskans, who are worried about their environment/impact are real issues.

Watch @

Useful links:

Moon Movies

Japan marvels at its Moon movies

Useful links:

Educational + stunningly beautiful, really.

Harold Pinter

Nobel Prize-winning playwright Harold Pinter, one of the most influential playwrights of the 20th century, has died at the age of 78. May he rest in peace.

Useful link:

Diamond Industry: Historical Perspective

The Great Depression and Its Lessons for De Beers and Botswana

Useful links:

Chaim was spot on. Thanks a lot for the insightful memos. I have learned a lot from you.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Uncharitable: How Restraints on Nonprofits Undermine Their Potential (Civil Society: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives) by Dan Pallotta is an interesting book for all those who are in service to others. The book made me to rethink about charity, really.

Useful links:


The Southern Gujarat Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SGCCI) is hosting a three-day exhibition-cum-conference named 'Sparkle' from December 26 - 28, 2008 in Surat (India) to promote diamond, gems and jewelry. Don't miss it.

Useful link:

Alexandre Desplat

Meet Alexandre Desplat, Academy Award-nominated, Golden Globe Award-winning film composer + learn more about his future projects @

JBM (Just beautiful music)!

Heard On The Street

Diamonds may be forever, but cash is king above all kings.

Making Money

Q. How do you make money when prices go down?
A. Sell cheap and buy cheaper.

2008 Year In Review

2008 Year in Review

Watch it. The new Jib-Jab video is hilarious!

Useful link:

Happy Holiday

I would like to wish all the visitors to my blog Happy Christmas!


Art Deco Jewelry

Samantha Critchell's story on Art Deco jewelry + other viewpoints @ was interesting. Thanks Samantha.

Useful links:

Culture Of Customer Service

The secret to survival in 2009

Getting through 2009 is going to require cultivating a strong culture of customer service – and quickly. Timely advice. Thanks Stephan.

Understanding Tintin

A very European hero

Useful links:

I am a huge fan of Tintin.

Art Update

The incredible shrinking saleroom

Useful links:

High/low points. Death, divorce and debt will continue to provide artworks for the auction market. Spot on.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Random Thoughts

The important shifts will be private, as people and communities learn to adopt different social standards. After the depression, a savings mentality set in. After the dot-com bubble, a bit of sobriety hit Silicon Valley. Now it’s the borrower’s and lender’s turn. As the saying goes: People don’t change when they see the light. They change when they feel the heat.

-David Brooks
New York Times

Spot on.

Honest Tea

Seth Goldman: Brewing Organic Tea with a Mission-based Business Model

Useful link:

Seth Goldman's mission-based business model was inspiring.

The Lipstick Effect

The so-called lipstick effect (an interesting phenomenon noticed by economists during the Great Depression of the 1930s, where people simply substituted large extravagances for small luxuries) has returned as the global economy begins to shrink affecting developed/developing countries worldwide. Watch out for the cosmetics sector as an indicator as events unfold in the coming months. Signs of the times, really.

San Francisco Mine

Sean Brodrick's report on San Francisco Mine and the pros and cons @’s-street-of-Gold!-13585-3-1.html was interesting.

Useful link:

Heard On The Street

There is no education like adversity.

The Doerentrup Story

Villagers text to light the way

Brilliant idea. Thanks Steven.

Useful link:

(via Wiki) Dörentrup is a municipality in the Lippe district of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It has an area of 49.79 km² and c. 8,600 inhabitants (2007).

Global Business @ BBC

Peter Day's World of Business interview with talented John Kao @ was insightful. Thanks Peter. The really intriguing story was the use of jazz improvisation to gain insights into the tricky business of corporate (and country) innovation.

Useful link:

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Asian Civilisations Museum

Pictures That Were Worth a Thousand Calling Cards

Useful link:

Thanks Sonia. A glimpse of the past revealed. A must visit.

Silent Light

(via Wiki) Silent Light is a 2007 film written and directed by the Mexican filmmaker Carlos Reygadas. Filmed in Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua, a city in the north of Mexico, the film is set in a Mennonite community and tells the story of a married man who falls in love with another woman. The dialogue is in Plautdietsch, the language of the Russian Mennonites.

Useful links:

A simple story. You can see the total internal reflection of the characters in the movie. Be patient while watching it.


A Japanese Town That Kicked the Oil Habit: CoCo Masters opinion piece in Time magazine of the little Japanese town of Kuzumaki @,8599,1867805,00.html was interesting. Inspiring. Thanks CoCo.

Useful link:

Monday, December 22, 2008

Simon Reeve

Simon Reeve is an author and broadcaster + the presenter of Tropic of Capricorn and Equator. The documentaries were brilliant. I loved it. Thanks Simon.

Useful links:

Freedom From Fear

Freedom from Fear: The American People in Depression and War, 1929-1945 by David M. Kennedy is a wonderful book on history of the Depression/World War II. Enjoy. In my view whatever we are going through now, it is nothing compared to the hardships of those times, really.

Useful link:


Akoha (play it forward model) = World’s first social reality game where you earn points by playing real-world missions. Go to for further info + perform a random act of kindness.

The Ten Best Art Shows Of 2008

The Ten Best Art Shows of 2008: Peter Schjeldahl

Thanks Peter. I loved it.

The Tale Of Genji

The Tale of Genji = Psychological novel, simplified.

Go to for an immersive experience.

Yoko Ono

Meet Yoko Ono, the world's most famous unknown artist + learn more about her art projects @

Dafen Painting Village

Dafen, located in Buji Town, ShenZhen city, China is percevied as the most concentrative base for painting arts in the world. Go to for further info. Dafen is an intriguing place.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Best Social Enterprises 2009

(via Fast Company) The 10 Best Social Enterprises of 2009

La Casa Encendida

La Casa Encendida = Cutting-edge art exhibitions. A must visit.

Mark O'Byrne Viewpoint

Steer clear of jewellery and diamonds as investments: Mark O'Byrne's opinion piece in MoneyWeek on jewelry/diamonds @ was interesting. Mark, I completely agree. You were spot on.

Useful links:

Jamie Davies Psychology Forum

I found Jamie Davies' Psychology forum @ very interesting. Concepts and real world applications always intrigues me.

The Canadian Rough

Mining For Diamonds In The Canadian Rough: Jackie Northam's opinion piece @ was educational and interesting. Thanks Jackie.

Useful links:

The Most Powerful People In The World

(via Newsweek) The Most Powerful People In The World

Timely, well written piece.

Amber Inclusions

Amateur paleontologist Jamie Hiscocks has found the world's oldest spider web in a piece of amber on the south coast of England.

Useful link:

Thanks NG. Stunningly beautiful photograph.

Video Games Monitor

Play on: The Economist report on video games + other viewpoints @ was interesting. I think video games have a cycle of its own. Gaming is morphing and it's becoming part of people's lives, really.

Useful links:

Alex Grey

Meet psychedelic painter Alex Grey + explore The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors for an immersive experience @

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Aydogan Ozcan

Scientists Hack Cellphone to Analyze Blood, Detect Disease, Help Developing Nations

Useful link:

Innovation at work put to use for the benefit of all mankind. Hats off to Dr. Aydogan Ozcan! Thanks Dave for the info.

India: First-generation Entrepreneurs

A suitable business: The Economist's report on business start-ups @ was insightful.

Useful links:

From an Indian perspective it's a quiet middle-class revolution.

Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater

Experiencing America, With Foot and Instrument

Useful link:

Craftsmanship. Stunning/rare. Character/unique. Thanks Alastair.

Effective Training

Lessons Learned

Harry, I completely agree. Thanks for the insightful report.

Jewelry + Women

The JC Penney 'Doghouse' campaign has gone viral. It's all about jewelry + women + something different.....Hilarious, really! Watch it.

Doghouse video
Target: Women

Useful link:

French Bronzes

French Bronzes - From the Renaissance to the Century of Enlightenment @ the Louvre until January 19, 2009. Stunningly beautiful. Don't miss it.

Useful links:

The Real Price Of Gold

The Real Price of Gold: Brook Larmer's story of gold + other viewpoints @ was educational and insightful. Gold drives everybody crazy, really. Thanks Brook.

Useful links:

One Million $ Black Caviar

Hublot's One Million $ Black Caviar with black diamonds = Elegant art

Useful link:

Friday, December 19, 2008

Frugality = India

For tips on frugality, look to India

Anand Giridharadas's opinion piece was brilliant.

Jewelry Retail Stores + Plunging Economy

What’s in the Cards for Credit?
The old no-money-down, take-two-years-to-pay model of jewelry consumption financing is likely a thing of the past. What will debt-dependent jewelers do to coax spending in a credit-starved economy?

Thanks Jordan for the insightful report. I completely agree with you. Jewelry business worldwide is in dire crisis because of credit culture/negativity. Some are doing okay, but many will have to start all over again, differently.

Random Thoughts

Word comes today that the SEC was informed about Bernie Madoff’s miscreancies several years ago, but engineered a neat solution to let him off the hook. I hate to say I told you so. But I told you so. Look at our economy as a gigantic brain, and the regulatory part that governs all the others has mouldered since, like, 1980, hanging like a withered appendix off the powerful other portions of the organ instead of doing its job. And so people like Bernie Madoff were allegedly allowed to grow and fester. If the charges against Mr. Madoff are true - and we hasten to add that in our system everybody is innocent until proven guilty! (or gets off using a variety of other strategies) - he was one of the greatest confidence men in history. Confidence men bilk money from other folks by establishing just that: confidence. Mr. Madoff was the head of NASDAQ. He was a man above reproach. He looked peerless in a suit. There was every reason to have confidence in him. But confidence can’t be established if its seeds fall on infertile ground. The garden in which it grows, located deep within each of its victims, must be tender and soft, turned gently over by the need to believe. It must be watered by greed and warmed by the sun of jealousy and competitiveness. And as we now see, the entire garden itself must be left to sprout whatever it will, untended. Bernie Madoff told people that he would guarantee their money. Now we look at the poor losers on which he feasted - the charities, the elderly shuffleboarders in Miami, the guys with McMansions in Greenwich whose future now perches on the head of a pin, and we marvel. How could they have been so credulous? Didn’t they know that if it looks too good to be true, it probably is? Look in the mirror. None of us are any better. Some of us are just luckier. Each of us believed in whatever portion of the system in which we had confidence, and are now being punished to one extent or another. The only ones who are making out all right are the shorts who never trusted in anything in the first place. It’s a pretty grim world where those are the guys who turned out to be the winners.

- Stanley Bing

Bing, I completely agree. You were spot on. Thanks for the insightful advice.

Worshiping Women

The Glory That Was Greece From a Female Perspective

Worshiping Women: Ritual and Reality in Classical Athens @ Onassis Cultural Center
December 10, 2008 – May 9, 2009

Useful link:

Thanks Holland.

Masterpieces Of Ancient Jewelry

Masterpieces of Ancient Jewelry: Exquisite Objects from the Cradle of Civilization at Field Museum, Chicago, USA
February 13 - July 5, 2009

Useful links:

Don't miss it.

India Update: Gem/Jewelry Sector

According to Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council overall exports of gems and jewelry are down by 34.25 percent in November 2008. At the manufacturing level, exports of cut and polished diamonds are down by 20.18 percent for November 2008, compared with last year, and there has been a 20 percent reduction in order for the period from April to October 2008.

Useful link:

Not a pretty picture. The gem and jewelry sector is losing luster and aren't anymore brilliant and scintillating. I think the Indian government should step in (via credit fund) and do the right thing to help the industry.

Zimbabwe KP Issue

Zimbabwe KP Suspension will Lead to More Human Suffering

Useful links:

Chaim was spot on.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

10 Outrageous Claims 2009

No Growth in China and other Outrageous Prophecies

Useful link:

Unimaginable, especially Chinese growth going to zero + the Iranian revolution, but you may never know, it could happen judging by the unfolding of events in the international financial markets.

Kathmandu International Mountain Film Festival

Kathmandu International Mountain Film Festival

Useful link:

Don't miss it.

The Go-Go Years

The Go-Go Years: The Drama and Crashing Finale of Wall Street's Bullish 60s by John Brooks is an insightful book of the forgotten times in American financial history; the booming Wall Street of the 1960's and the resulting crash of the early 1970's + the impact. A must read.

Tony Foster

Where This Artist Goes, Danger Often Follows

Useful link:

Foster's pictures were stunningly beautiful. Thanks Tom.

The Open Architecture Network

The Open Architecture Network is a unique collaborative forum addressing design challenges. Share + Get Online.

Useful link:

Saatchi Gallery

The Revolution Continues: New Art From China is at the new Saatchi Gallery in Chelsea. Go to for further info.

Liverpool 2008

European Capital of Culture 2008

Useful link:

Don't miss it.

Person Of The Year 2008

Why History Can't Wait,31682,1861543_1865068,00.html

Useful link:

Timely + Well-deserved. Congratulations to Barack Obama!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008