
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Matt Simmons

Brian O'Keefe's article on Matt Simmons, his bold predictions on crude oil prices and how to act soon to solve the crisis + lack of transparent information about oil production and reserves + the potential power of ocean energy + other viewpoints @ was insightful.

Useful links:

We should basically be going back to creating a village economy, so that we really reduce the energy intensity of how we live. We need bigtime conservation, not feel-good conservation. Make things where they're used. You'll end long-distance commuting, and we have the tools to do that now with webcams. Grow food locally. Grow food in your backyard. If they're not commuting, people will have time to do that.
- Matt Simmons

Matt Simmons was spot on.


For an in-depth/technical case-study of how designers created the innovative visuals, go to for more information.

Useful link:

The New School

The New School is a center of academic excellence where intellectual and artistic freedoms thrive with new programs, learning experiences, and research projects.

Go to for further information.

Heard On The Street

Boomerang theory - what goes around, comes around. You can never beat Mr Market.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Random Thoughts

Just about all Americans came to believe that house prices would forever rise. That conviction made a borrower’s income and cash equity seem unimportant to lenders, who shoveled out money, confident that H.P.A. — house price appreciation — would cure all problems. Today, our country is experiencing widespread pain because of that erroneous belief. As house prices fall, a huge amount of financial folly is being exposed. You only learn who has been swimming naked when the tide goes out — and what we are witnessing at some of our largest financial institutions is an ugly sight.

- Warren E. Buffett

A classic quote + how true!


To learn more about Sami Zeira's stunning contemporary line of jewelry, a fusion of past + present, go to for further information. I liked it.

Royal Jewels

Royal Jewels: From Charlemagne to the Romanovs by Diana Scarisbrick + Christophe Vachaudez + Jan Walgrave is a fascinating book that explores 800 years of jewelry owned by European monarchs.

Useful link:

European Climate Exchange Update

According to analysts, there has been a 150% increase in the volumes of carbon trading on the European Climate Exchange in the first six months of the year and its predicted there would be further growth despite a global economic slowdown.

Go to for further information.

Damien Hirst + Auction Houses

The Economist article on Damien Hirst + the future of auction houses + the global contemporary-art market + other viewpoints @ was insightful.

Auction rooms are democratic. That’s what I like about them. Anyone with enough money can buy what they want—immediately. They just have to be prepared to make that final bid.
- Damien Hirst

If you are rich and impatient, buying through an auction room is the place for you.
- Economist

How true!

Global Warming Survival Guide

The global warming survival guide + other viewpoints @ was educational and insightful.

Gem Diamonds Update

According to Clifford Elphick, CEO, Gem Diamonds, a rough diamond weighing 478 carats have been discovered in the Letseng mine (owned by Gem Diamonds 70% + the Lesotho government 30%) in Lesotho.

Useful links:

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Visual Computing

The BBC article on cutting edge visual computing + Nvision conference and a host of visual innovations + other viewpoints @ was insightful.

Useful links:

Kongthin Pearlmich

(via Razia Iqbal, BBC) A story in the Daily Telegraph about the reclusive artist called Kongthin Pearlmich and his artworks (a marble sculpture of Christ laden with diamonds, rubies and pearls) was intriguing. Thanks Razia!

Useful link:

Fluorescence In Colored Diamonds

(via Rapaport Diamond Report, September 5, 2008) Alan Bronstein writes:

A new awareness of the mysterious beauty of fluorescence in colored diamonds is evidenced by research being conducted at the Smithsonian Institution by a team led by Sally Eaton-Magana of the Gemological Institute of America (Winter 2007 Gems & Gemology). In the olden days (pre-1979), diamond people would look at fluorescence as a virtue, referring to stones as 'blue white' when the sun lit up the diamond. Certainly, in natural color diamonds, there can be much excitement and enthusiasm concerning this phenomenon. Fluorescence is the reaction of certain diamonds - 36 percent of all diamonds fluoresce to some degree - to ultraviolet (UV) light as a living light energy is revealed. Ultraviolet light, a component of the daylight spectrum (sunlight), is a wavelength that is invisible to the naked eye. Certain natural-occurring objects in nature, like diamonds, have a unique atomic structure that will go into this state of excitation when exposed to direct sunlight or direct ultraviolet light. There is no reaction to incandescent indoor light. Fluorescence can be an additional positive characteristic for a diamond, bringing mystery and greater wonder to the more obvious brilliance and color that hypnotize us. It is not a flaw or negative attribute. The only time it should be considered negative is if the fluorescence causes the brilliance to appear dull and hazy. Certificates use it an identification tool just to state it exists. It has no impact on the grade.

Fluorescence in a diamond is analogous to bio luminescence, the production and emission of light by a living organism. This is rare occurrence of nature that can be seen in some species of deep-sea creatures, algae, plants and fireflies. This living light is not a reaction to UV light but essentially has that same supernatural glow as fluorescent diamonds. We are just beginning to explore the many mysteries and secrets of our world. We should embrace fluorescence for its unique contribution to beauty. The goddess of fluorescence has been revealed.

Useful link:

Alan was spot on.

Neal Stephenson

Neal Stephenson is an American writer known primarily for his science fiction works. His most recent novel, Anathem, was released on September 9, 2008. The book was inspired, in part, by the thinking behind the Long Now Foundation.

Useful links:

J J Marco

J J Marco's jewelry design concepts are unique mix and match of biology/biotechnology with metals and gems + its artsy and eco-conscious. I liked it. To learn more, go to

Jehangir Sabavala

Jehangir Sabavala's paintings will be on display at Sakshi Gallery, Colaba, Mumbai, India, from September 27 - October 13, 2008. Go to for further information.

Recession-Proof Businesses

I found the Newsweek article on recession-proof businesses @ insightful.

Travel Experiences

If you are interested, you can take a trip for just over £7,000 on the Trans-Siberian express with Paul Theroux, the author of The Great Railway Bazaar. Go to for further information.

Multidirectional Phase Of Globalisation

The Economist article on the multidirectional phase of globalisation and the enormous potential for business + the corporate acquisitions and investments of sovereign-wealth funds + the rise of the new champions + other viewpoints @ was insightful.

Useful links:

Gerhard Richter

To learn more about Gerhard Richter's paintings, beautiful and ordinary, and at times tragic, go to for further information.

Random Thoughts

As animals grazing peacefully hear gun shots and start running without at first understanding the right direction to go, the herd begins to form. The animals regroup and appear to move together, although their behavior is not coordinated. Each animal moves, seeking safety for himself by staying closer to others. Gun shots come now from the opposite side and the herd changes swiftly direction. Again. And again. They run as fast as they can. Many fall, hit by hunters, and others follow, stumbling against fallen animals. Dust is everywhere, noise is loud. The animals cannot see clearly where they go, their senses confused. They are exhausted, many are wounded and fear is driving them away from the gun shots that arrive from different directions, continuing to make them run in any direction. Unfortunately often the wrong one and right toward the hunters, and many die. Suddenly there is silence, but the herd continue to run for some time, still grouped. Then it starts to disperse. Still scared, any noise can make the animals regroup and run again, although the hunters have ceased their chase and are not around any more. The herd slows down now and it disperses again. The animals that survived start grazing again.

- Paolo Pezzutti
(via dailyspeculations)

How true!

Art Update

Souren Melikian's article on the art market + the new Chinese collectors + jade, porcelain and sculptures + other viewpoints @ was insightful. A must read.

India Retail Forum

According to India Retail Report edition 2009, India’s organized retail jewelry has slowed down + the retail boom in India is expected to continue in excess of Rs 18,100 billion ($389.65 billion) by 2010. Go to for further information.

Yael Sonia

The architectural element of design + the light diffraction concept + light = gemstone relationship with multicolored gem pieces makes Yael Sonia's jewelry design unique. I liked it.

Useful link:

Friday, September 19, 2008

Random Thoughts

Will Rogers said, 'Learn not to pee on an electrified fence without actually doing it.'

- Charles Thomas Munger

New Ideas From Dead CEOs

New Ideas from Dead CEOs: Lasting Lessons from the Corner Office by Todd G. Buchholz is an inspiring book on successful CEOs of 20th century who impacted the world in a huge way. A must read.

Cleantech Network

Cleantech in India. Cleantech Forum XIX meets in Mumbai on October 7 -9, 2008. Don't miss it!

The Cleantech Forum® XIX - Mumbai Agenda

Useful link:

Kimberley Process Debate

Chaim Even Zohar writes about Kimberley Processes's inflexibility + weapons for diamond issues + other viewpoints @

Chaim was spot on.

Useful links:

Classic Movies

Richard Schickel's favorite films from Warner Bros @ was brilliant.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Antwerp Diamond Trade

Duncan Bartlett's article on the diamond trading community + other viewpoints @ was insightful. Duncan was spot on.

Useful link:

In fact, diamonds still make a lot of money in Antwerp - but it is shared among a small elite.

Gallup Daily

Learn more about Gallup Poll's measure of Daily Mood @

Hans Rosling

Hans Rosling, the founder of Gapminder, makes highly complex data understandable (interactive and enjoyable graphics) to the general public. Go to for further information. I liked it.

Beautiful Art = Painkiller

The research carried out by Professor Marina de Tommaso's team on the healing effects of a beautiful piece of art + other viewpoints @ was educational and insightful.

Useful links:

Heard On The Street

I'm not sure it's the bottom yet. Every time someone says we're at the bottom, things get a bit worse.

Random Thoughts

The line separating investment and speculation, which is never bright and clear, becomes blurred still further when most market participants have recently enjoyed triumphs. Nothing sedates rationality like large doses of effortless money. After a heady experience of that kind, normally sensible people drift into behavior akin to that of Cinderella at the ball. They know that overstaying the festivities -- that is, continuing to speculate in companies that have gigantic valuations relative to the cash they are likely to generate in the future -- will eventually bring on pumpkins and mice. But they nevertheless hate to miss a single minute of what is one helluva party. Therefore, the giddy participants all plan to leave just seconds before midnight. There's a problem, though: They are dancing in a room in which the clocks have no hands.

- Warren Buffett

How true!

Wine Library TV

Kermit Pattison's article on Gary Vaynerchuk + the power of social media/Web TV + building business via personal branding + other viewpoints @ was educational and insightful.

Useful links:

CleanTech 100

Learn more about 2008 Guardian/Library House CleanTech 100 @

A Brief Tour Of Human Consciousness

A Brief Tour of Human Consciousness: From Impostor Poodles to Purple Numbers by V. S. Ramachandran is a fascinating book on neuroscience + the brain–mind puzzle + emotional responses. A must read.

Useful links:

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Coral Conservation

As one of the world’s leading jewelers, Tiffany & Co has been at the forefront supporting research focused on coral reef systems. I think consumers and retailers (still sadly unaware of the global destruction of coral) need further education on the ecological and economic impacts of wildlife trade.

Useful links:

Hats off to Tiffany & Co Foundation!

Random Thoughts

When mathematicians and physicists are left alone in a room, one of the games they’ll play is called a Fermi problem, in which they try to figure out the approximate answer to an arbitrary problem. They’ll ask, how many piano tuners are there in Chicago, or what contribution to the ocean’s temperature do fish make, and they’ll try to come up with a plausible answer. What this suggests to me is that the people whom we think of as being the most involved in the symbolic part of math intuitively know that they have to practice those other, nonsymbolic, approximating skills.

- Rebecca Saxe
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Haunch Of Venison

Alexandra Peers's article on Haunch of Venison + other viewpoints @ was insightful.

Useful link:

Project BudBurst

Project BudBurst is a national field campaign for citizen scientists designed to engage the public in the collection of important climate change data based on the timing of leafing and flowering of trees and flowers. Go for further information.

Pew Internet Study Report

According to Pew Internet study report, US teenagers (a few play alone) mostly join up with friends when gaming + many play educational games to learn about world issues + gaming had become an almost universal pastime among young Americans. It's amazing to learn how playing games impact social lives.

Useful link:

Richard Avedon

Richard Avedon was one of the most successful American portrait photographer + his work included many icons of art and American politics.

Useful links:

Martin Prosperity Institute

Peter Day's conversation with Richard Florida, a leading thinker on the nature of cities + what companies do not understand about them, and what business can learn from them + other viewpoints @ was educational and insightful.

Useful links:

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

V. Kasturi Rangan

V. Kasturi Rangan is one of the pioneers of Harvard Business School's Social Enterprise Initiative. In Rangan's view, a new generation of business leaders and philanthropists want more transparency and accountability from the organizations they are funding. We are going to see new forms of social enterprises in the near future.

Go to for further information.

Heard On The Street

The brain is bad at some things and good at many others, but above all else, it has a remarkable capacity for fooling itself.

Random Thoughts

During the 20th Century, the Dow advanced from 66 to 11,497. This gain, though it appears huge, shrinks to 5.3 per cent when compounded annually. For investors to merely match that 5.3 per cent market value gain, the Dow – recently below 13,000 – would need to close at about 2,000,000 on December 31, 2099! Thus, if your adviser talks to you about double digit returns from equities, explain this math to him.

- Warren Buffett

The Desert Capitalists @ BBC Part Two

Mukhul Devichands's documentary on Marwaris, a powerful global economic and political force, from Bombay to Paris to London @ was insighful.

Useful link:

Michael Janzen

The bigger your property gets, the more there is to do + today minimizing one's footprint (structural as well as carbon) by living in spaces that are smaller than 1,000 square feet makes sense + I believe in the tiny house concept, and I really liked Michael Janzen's design.

Useful links:

Robert M. Hertzberg

Robert M. Hertzberg's firm, G24 Innovations, makes solar-powered battery-chargers for mobile phones and portable music-players. Go to for further information.

Beautiful Inside My Head Forever

Carol Vogel's article on 'Beautiful Inside My Head Forever', a highly publicized auction of 223 works by Damien Hirst/viewpoints @ was interesting.

Useful links:

Damien Hirst is a global artist that can defy local economies.
- Tobias Meyer, Sotheby’s

Today people believe more in art than the stock market. At least it’s something you can enjoy.
- Jose Mugrabi

It's hard to believe that Damien Hirst is able to sell his art works during a recession. I do believe now that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Monday, September 15, 2008


David Reid's article on the ancient Roman town of Herculaneum + the virtual museum of archaeology (MAV), a model to preserve fragile archaeological sites in the future + other viewpoints @ was really educational.

Heard On The Street

Loving what you do = Doing it over and over again = Success


Peter Day's conversation with Karina Von Baer, CEO, Oleotop, a winner of the Ernst and Young's global entrepreneur of the year awards for business innovation + other viewpoints @ was insightful.

Useful links:

Ideas can crop up everywhere, and they are often stimulated by difficulties and hardships.

The Wind Entrepreneur

Mark Svenvold's article on the wind entrepreneur Peter Mandelstam + the wind power politics + other viewpoints @ was brilliant.

Useful link:

William H. Gross Collection

William H. Gross will sell his British empire stamp collection at Spink Shreves on October 3, 2008.

Useful links:

The Future Of Gaming

Mike Steere's article on the future of gaming/other viewpoints @ was insightful.

Useful links:

The Simpsons

Animated comedy The Simpsons has won one of US TV's most prestigious prizes at the creative arts Emmy Awards for the 10th time. Congratulations!

Useful links:

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Renzo Piano + Vatican

Barbie Nadeau's article on Renzo Piano + Vatican's interest in art business + other viewpoints @ was interesting.

Useful links:

ABBA Museum

Ulf Westman, who founded ABBA the Museum, reports that the work on the century-old Stora Tullhuset that will house the musical museum won't be open in 2009 as scheduled.

Go to for further information.

Random Thoughts

I learned early that there is nothing new in Wall Street. There can't be because speculation is as old as the hills. Whatever happens in the stock market today has happened before and will happen again.

- Larry Livingstone

How true!

Reminiscences Of A Stock Operator

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Marketplace Books is the most useful and most-loved book ever written on the subject of trading and speculation. I liked it.

Useful link:

Paul Wall Jewelry

(via Wiki) Paul Wall is the part owner and proprietor of TV Jewelry with Johnny Dang in Houston. He was also featured in the VH1 documentary Bling'd: Blood, Diamonds, and Hip-Hop, while visiting Sierra Leone, cautioning jewelers to check their source for diamonds. The store specializes in the production of grills, silver, gold, or platinum caps and diamond inlays (usually princess-cut diamonds).

Useful link:

The Business Of Wine

The Business of Wine: A Global Perspective by Per V. Jenster + David E. Smith + Darryl J. Mitry + Lars Jenster is an interesting book on the complexities of the business side of the wine industry. A must read.

Useful link:

I think making wine is an expensive hobby.

New Startups

Pete Engardio's article on startups via Los Alamos and Sandia @ was brilliant. I think the concept of providing entrepreneurial leaves for scientists to give them a taste of life outside national labs is a good idea.

Useful links:

Minitek Festival

Artists from around the world are in New York City from September 12 -14, 2008, for a different kind of electronic music/innovation festival. Go to for more information. Don't miss it.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

London Design Festival

The London Design Festival, a spectacular celebration of world-class talent across the city, opens at various venues from September 13 - 23, 2008. Go to for further information.

Scholium Project

Eric Asimov's article on Abe Schoener, the owner of the experimental Scholium Project winery in Fairfield, California @ was educational and insightful.

Useful link:

Maintaining a complex microbiology is the best way to make wine.
- Abe Schoener

He was spot on.

The Origin Of Financial Crises

The Origin of Financial Crises: Central Banks, Credit Bubbles and the Efficient Market Fallacy by George Cooper is a brilliant book on modern-day credit excess + pre-emptive asymmetric monetary policy of central banks + today’s mess. A must read.

Random Thoughts

If Asia is going to continue to grow, if India is going to continue to grow, the best way to invest is to buy things that India has to have and has to consume. The best is commodities. Some (equity) sectors are going to do well whatever the situation. India has a huge water problem. Gigantic. If you are in the water business, you are going to make a fortune. If you are in the agri business, you are going to make a fortune. Indian tourism has a great future.

- Jim Rogers

The Wealth Report

Robert Frank's article on Why Bling Is a Bad Investment + other viewpoints @ was interesting.

Architectural Jewelry Collection @ Hearts on Fire

Hearts On Fire's Architectural Collection, a selection of 17 different designs inspired by eight famous structures is breathtaking.

Go to for further information.

Useful link:

Kristall Smolensk

Chaim Even Zohar writes about Kristall Smolensk, the largest diamond manufacturer in Russia + the policies, directions, and leadership of the new management in a competitive market + other viewpoints @

Friday, September 12, 2008

One Bag

Once upon a time traveling all over the world to conferences and trade shows was fun. But today, it's a real pain in the neck.

If you want to learn the art and science of traveling light, go to for further information. I liked it.

Jewelry Insurance

Jewelers Mutual Insurance insures anyone who owns or deals in jewelry, whether it be jewelry manufacturers, wholesalers or retailers. For more information on safety, security and insurance topics, visit

Heard On The Street

Human nature is impossible to explain.

Random Thoughts

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.

- Marcus Aurelius (121 CE - 180 CE)
Emperor/stoic philosopher

How true!


Bryan Walsh's article on misleading marketing about the environmental benefits of a product + innovative solutions @,9171,1840562,00.html was educational and insightful. Thanks Bryan!

Useful links:

Liu Xiaodong

Jeff Israely's article on Liu Xiaodong, one of the top Chinese artist of the contemporary art world + his painting of trashscape in Naples + the local mafiosi connection + other viewpoints @,8599,1840280,00.html was brilliant.

Modern life gives us many things. But I've always wondered where does the trash go? Europe may be the most civilized, most mature society on the planet. So why is there this (waste)problem? It's not supposed to be like this.
- Liu Xiaodong

Gem Testing Update

GEMLAB Laboratory based in the Principality of Liechtenstein has interesting updates on analytical gem testing tools/applications @

Useful link:

Britain’s Biggest-selling Artist

The Economist article on Damien Hirst, Britain’s biggest-selling artist + the peculiar art market + other viewpoints @ was interesting.

Only the brave sell at auction, for it is impossible to control who buys or what price they will pay. Some of Mr Hirst’s pieces will sell easily, especially if several bidders descend on the same work at once; others will be knocked down more slowly.
- Economist

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Upside Down House Project

Daniel Czapiewski's Upside Down House Project + other viewpoints @ was amazing + hilarious, really!

Heard On The Street

Louis XV famously said, Apres Moi, Le Deluge (After me, the deluge). We don't know if he meant 'after me, comes the revolution' or 'after me, I don't care what happens.' We now face a similar fate.

Francis Bacon Portraits

I found Francis Bacon portraits + other viewpoints @ interesting.

Useful link:

London Film Festival

The 52nd London Film Festival is due to take place from October 15 - 30, 2008. For more information on show hours and special events, go to

Doing Business Report

World Bank's annual Doing Business Report has some interesting interpretations on 181 countries + government rules that affect setting up, running and closing a business. A must read.

Useful links:

Gemstone Treatment Update

I found the latest update via GemLab + other viewpoints @ educational and insightful.

Useful link:

Good Guide

GoodGuide provides free and easy access to the world’s largest and most reliable source of information on the health, environmental and social impacts of products and companies.

Go to for further information.

Useful links:

The Best Slogan

A Diamond is Forever.

Created by N.W. Ayer & Sons, Inc. for De Beers, this slogan has been in use since 1948, ever since Frances Gerety, a young copywriter, dreamed up the famous line in her sleep + the 1971 James Bond movie starring Sean Connery added adamantine luster to it.

The Whole Experience @ Chateau de Versailles

Elaine Sciolino's article on Jeff Koons exhibition at Château de Versailles @ was brilliant. A must read.

Useful links:

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Chicago World Music Festival 2008

Chicago's annual World Music Festival will take place from September 19 - 25, 2008. For more information, including showtimes, venues and a complete artist lineup, go to

Heard On The Street

In markets there is a lot of luck.

Innovation Contests

The Economist article on a whole series of prizes designed to catalyse clean, renewable and cost-effective energy @ was educational and insightful.

Useful links:

Prizes lead people to compete ferociously and cunningly. They tap a primitive urge to win, and to be seen winning, even when the prize itself is trivial compared with the effort required to attain it.
- Economist

How true!

03b Networks

03b Networks System's aim to use satellites to provide broadband services to three billion people in the developing countries in Africa and elsewhere at the same speeds as those offered in rich countries is truly commendable. Hats off to the founders of 03b Networks!

Useful link:

Top Trends 2008

To listen to Trends Research Institute's Gerald Celente explain the world shaping events and forecasts + tomorrows trends, go to for further information.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Artworks @ Bamiyan

To listen to BBC's Alastair Leithead explain the iconic Buddhist art works of Bamiyan + new findings by archaeologists, go to

Russell Brand

Check out for Russell Brand's jewels + his presence at the MTV Video Music Awards @,27,0&show=large +

Useful links:

SaffronArt Update

According to Economictimes, Saffronart's autumn online auction of contemporary Indian art ended on September 7, 2008, with price records for 18 Indian artists (1. TV Santhosh, 2. Anju Dodiya, 3. Sudhir Patwardhan, 4. GR Iranna, 5. Mithu Sen, 6. Anita Dube, 7. Sudarshan Shetty, 8. Anil Revri, 9. Tushar Joag, 10. Manisha Parekh, 11. Debanjan Roy, 12. Phaneendra Nath Chaturvedi, 13. Kishor Shinde, 14. Chitra Ganesh, 15. Ravikumar Kashi, 16. Ram Bali Chauhan, 17. Mayyur Kailash Gupta, 18. Nicola Durvasula). Go to for further information.