
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Age + Business

The article What's Age Got to Do with It? @ was really inspiring.

Age also needs to be accompanied by a willingness, and even eagerness, to change. We recently heard Andrea Jung, the CEO of Avon, suggest that leaders (informally) fire and rehire themselves from time to time in order to freshen their mind-sets. Now, at 48, Andrea is still plenty young, but her approach to reinvention is actually the hallmark of the most effective 'older' folks we know. Case in point is K.P. Singh, the Indian real estate developer who, at age 76, has just expanded his business into, of all things, an international cricket league—because, he says, it will teach him 'all sorts of new things.' Or take Rupert Murdoch. At 77, his passion for traditional media opportunities remains unabated, so too his interest in what's next. Chris DeWolfe, CEO of social-networking site MySpace, recently told us that Murdoch has his sleeves rolled up at his new purchase, always asking questions, always pushing to learn more.
- Jack & Suzy Welch

How true! Thanks, Jack.

Useful link:

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