
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ruby and Sapphire

By Richard W Hughes
RWH Publishing
1997 ISBN 0-9645097-6-8

Richard Hughes writes:

Many in the gemological community take a dim view of non-scientific aspects of the subject. They question the need for details on mystical beliefs, history, even the gem business itself. In the author’s view, this is not only unfortunate, but unduly restrictive. Far too many gemological treatises are clinical heartless shells, with any trace of spirit sucked out in the name of science, proper diction or decorum. Considering we are fortunate to work with one of the most romantic products on the planet, this is all the more surprising.

Godehard Lenzen has rightly pointed out that gemology is not merely a subset of mineralogy, but simply knowledge of a certain type of merchandise. I subscribe to the Lenzen view. To my way of thinking, gemology is a rich tapestry of interwoven disciplines. It’s thread include not just mineralogy, physics, chemistry, crystallography and geology, but also history, trade, economics, decorative arts, religion, mysticism and magic. Yes, even magic.

Thus, what follows is not merely the science, but also the gemology of ruby and sapphire. I hope to convey its romance, its history, its beating heart, its spirit, its magic. If I have succeeded in capturing even a portion of that magic, then this book is a success.

More info @ RWH Publishing & Books, PO Box 2015, Fallbrook, CA 92088 USA

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