
Monday, January 08, 2007

Tsavorite Garnet

National Jeweler Network writes:

Michael Coach and Associates has announced that it has acquired the largest clean tsavorite in the world. The stone weighs 325.13 carats and will be on display at the American Gem Trade Association GemFair beginning at the end of January in Tucson, Ariz.

The stone was found in the Karo area of Mereloni, Tanzania, in what is believed to be the biggest pocket of tsavorite ever discovered. The rough was found in a mine that goes straight down 120 meters from the surface and follows a reef at a 45-degree angle to a final depth of 180 meters.

Tsavorite is usually found in a host matrix of diopside, zoisite and grossular garnet, and is normally made in small nodules of gem crystal, which are put under enormous pressure. Because the nodules are squeezed and pushed during growth, inclusions are easily formed, making clean crystals something of a rarity.

From the rough, four stones were cut: a 62-carat clean, a 120-carat clean, a 307-carat included and the 325.13-carat clean acquired by Michael Couch and Associates. Asking price on the 325.13-carat stone is $2.2 million.

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