
Saturday, December 09, 2006


Written by Julian Robov

Sixty Six

“Of David.

Do not be provoked by evildoers; do not envy those who do wrong.
Like grass they wither quickly; like green plants they wilt away.

Trust in the Lord and do good that you may dwell in the land and live secure.
Find your delight in the Lord who will give you your heart’s desire.

Commit your way to the Lord; trust that God will act.
And make your integrity shine like the dawn, your vindication like noonday.

Be still before the Lord; wait for God.
Do not be provoked by the prosperous, nor by malicious schemers.

Give up your anger, abandon your wrath; do not be provoked, it brings only harm.
Those who do evil will be cut off, but those who wait for the Lord will possess the land.

Wait a little, and the wicked will be no more; look for them and they will not be there.
But the poor will possess the land, will delight in great prosperity.

The wicked plot against the just and grind their teeth at them; but the Lord laughs at them, knowing their day is coming.

The wicked draw their swords; they string their bows to fell the poor and oppressed, to slaughter those whose way is honest.
Their swords will pierce their own hearts; their bows will be broken.

Better the poverty of the just than the great wealth of the wicked.
The arms of the wicked will be broken; the Lord will sustain the just.

The Lord watches over the days of the blameless; their heritage lasts forever.
They will not be disgraced when times are hard; in days of famine they will have plenty.

The wicked perish, the enemies of the Lord; like the beauty of the meadows they vanish; like smoke they disappear.

The wicked borrow but do not repay; the just are generous in giving.
For those blessed by the Lord will possess the land, but those accursed will be cut off.

Those whose steps are guided by the Lord, whose way God approves, may stumble, but they will never fall, for the Lord holds their hand.

Neither in my mouth, nor now in old age have I ever seen the just abandoned or their children begging bread.
The just always lend generously, and their children become a blessing.

Turn from evil and do good, that you may inhabit the land forever.
For the Lord loves justice and does not abandon the faithful.

When the unjust are destroyed, and the children of the wicked cut off, the just will possess the land and live in it forever.

The mouths of the just utter wisdom; their tongues speak what is right.
God’s teaching is in their hearts; their steps do not falter.

The wicked spy on the just and seek to kill them.
But the Lord does not leave the just in their power, nor let them be condemned when tried.

Wait eagerly for the Lord, and keep to the way; God will raise you to possess the land.
You will gloat when the wicked are cut off.

I have seen ruthless scoundrels, strong as flourishing cedars.
When I passed by again, they were gone; though I searched, they could not be found.

Observe the honest, mark the upright; those at peace with God have a future.
But all sinners will be destroyed; the future of the wicked will be cut off.

The salvation of the just is from the Lord, their refuge in time of distress.
The Lord helps and rescues them, rescues and saves them from the wicked, because in God
they take refuge.”

Psalm 37: 1-40

James listened to Fr Thomas Kerallian, a low-profile Christian missionary with healing powers from the United States, absorbing the essence of the Psalm, as he recited it twenty two times, gently maintaining a light of attention and blissful mind, in a church building on Sathorn Road. The sitting posture brought instant tranquility. He then began repeating some key words from the Psalm to keep consciousness steady.
Aleph, Beth, Gimel, Daleth, He, Waw, Zayin, Heth, Teth, Yodh, Kaph, Lamedh, Mem, Nun, Samekh, Ayin, Pe, Sadhe, Qoph, Resh, Shin and Taw.
Fr Thomas’s soothing words relaxed every part of James’s body. He began inhaling the content of the Psalm in a full and gentle breath, feeling those tiny particles of bliss transcending him to a better orbit, and exhaling all the troubles, worries and thoughts—like a void filled with happiness and contentment.
Though at some junctures James had been fumbling with distracting thoughts, Fr Thomas’s special skill of recognizing those natural disturbances, and routing to the right orbit helped him take control of his mind and body. He was enjoying the session tremendously, as they began the recitation. The repeated chanting of the word Lord was so powerful and stimulating, he didn’t realize how effective words were till he began the exercise.
Now Fr Thomas decided to do an experiment using a twenty two carat round brilliant cut natural blue sapphire, as an object of meditation, because it had the inherent quality of brilliance from their almighty flashes, due to superior cut—followed by its excellent color and clarity. It belonged to James. The blue color had always brought a calming experience for anyone anywhere. Simultaneously to keep the concentration steady, he was urged to repeat “Blue Sapphire” gently. He couldn’t believe till it had happened.

The round brilliant cut blue sapphire was floating in front of his face—like a brilliant blue moon. It was absolute concentration in its peak. The concentration was so sharp and focused, there were no more disruptive thoughts. Just like playing with a mouse and a computer, he began focusing his mind and the blue sapphire—at times even reduced to the size of a pin head. With repeated recitation of the word “Blue Sapphire” he could brighten the gemstone even better—moving inside and outside his body in any direction. He was in complete control.

Fr Thomas urged James to include the word Lord. It was another experiment. James followed the same ritual. He chanted “Lord Blue Sapphire” twenty two times. In a second, he was vacuumed inside a giant blue planet with blue color flashes, beaming at his body turning him into a blue man—displaying brilliance, scintillation, and dispersion—brighter than the almighty sun. He didn’t want to come out. He wanted to live inside the gem forever. No more gemstone dealing, haggling, telling lies, and shagging women or worrying about synthetics, imitations, treatments, bank closures, stock market crashes, droughts, famines, diseases, floods, and even death. The experience was so indescribable, he was traveling around the Blue Planet, a zillion times faster than the speed of light, going merry-go-round—until Fr. Thomas touched the gemstone. James was back on earth—like a human, staring at a twenty two carat natural blue sapphire.
“You should meditate at least twenty two times a day at your convenience—morning or evening. Do a little bit of exercise to loosen up your muscles so that you feel relaxed and comfortable. Sit down to meditate. It’s important. Stick to routine, which fits your schedule. Find a quite place to sit—close your eyes, and meditate. Don’t insist on a time limit. Just let it go. The most important thing is the inclusion of meditation in your daily life, and meditate everyday,” Fr Thomas said smilingly.
“What else should I do? I am hooked,” James said.
Fr Thomas Kerallian closed his eyes and recited the following verses, as James sat on the floor in a half-lotus position.

“The Lord from the earth created man, and in his own image he made him.
Limited days of life he gives him and makes him return to earth again.
He endows man with a strength of his own, and with power over all things else on earth.
He puts fear of him in all flesh, and gives him rule over beasts and birds.
He forms men’s tongues and eyes and ears, and imparts to them an understanding heart.
With wisdom and knowledge he fills them; good and evil he shows them.
He looks with favor upon their hearts, and shows them his glorious works, that may describe the wonders of his deeds and praise his holy name.
He has set before them knowledge, a law of life as their inheritance; an everlasting covenant he has made with them, his commandment he has revealed to them.
His majestic glory their eyes beheld, his glorious voice their ears heard.
He says to them, “Avoid all evil ”; each of them he gives precepts about his fellow men.
Their ways are ever known to him, they cannot be hidden from his eyes.”
Sirach 17: 1-13

“Amen!” James said.

Twenty years later, James decided to retire from gem trading and chose to live in mainland China—with like-minded gemstone dealers from around the world preaching the New Bible, and propagating Blue Sapphire Meditation technique, converting the ex-communist elite, corrupt bureaucrats, businessmen, academics, military, students, and politicians in droves, turning their brown eyes blue. The men who had opposed James’s new way of life were found mysteriously dead vomiting dart frogs or locusts immune to chemicals and predators in their sleep. Some even woke up to their horror over-weight with horns and tails showing more body hair than a bear citing mutations unknown to science. The frightened rulers turned the new China into a multi-cultural open society—tolerant and compassionate to other religious faiths embracing global compassion and human rights. The result has been amazing. Inter-marriages became common with no cultural apartheid. As Blue Sapphire Meditation became so popular and user friendly, China took the top spot, as the largest importer of blue sapphires following the United States, after the depletion of their own gem mines. The New Bible and Blue Sapphire Meditation techniques were freely available all over the country in all Chinese dialects, including numerous western and dead languages. Several workshops were opened all over China to accommodate tourists, well-wishers, gemologists, geologists, mineralogists, and scientists from around the world, analyzing the power of Blue Sapphire Meditation. Many well-known universities started offering doctoral level courses—leaving Harvard and M.I.T thumb sucking and confused. Several potential students began dropping out of their high-tech programs for no reason, instead they were seen heading to Beijing (China) buying a one-way ticket and blue sapphires. New simulations were already emerging, as more and more people began to embrace the miracle science with no side-effects. Due to tolerance and compassion, they flourished side by side—without being sent to special re-education camps. Even the Presidents of the United States, Russia, Europe, India and Brazil were persuaded to embrace Blue Sapphire Meditation during a rare summit in Beijing (China)—for the sake of saving the world from environmental and spiritual destruction. Thus a third world war was avoided tactfully.

After hearing from the intelligence sources of an American behind the great and successful idea, the President of the United States of America signed a special executive order for the capture of James Hughes and Fr Thomas Kerallian at any cost—dead or alive. Knowing the loss of revenue, the Chinese intelligence lost no time, persuading the establishment in the issuing of new passports making James Hughes and Fr Thomas Kerallian Chinese citizens. A rare gesture. Who would dare blame them?

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