
Saturday, December 09, 2006


Written by Julian Robov

Sixty Five

There had been a hue and cry when Potch decided to divorce Chaiwath after hearing that he had raped and chewed off the nipples of a mia noi (mistress) in mainland China in a hot rage. Usually such misdeeds were kept secret and handled discreetly, due to political and social implications. This mia noi (mistress) happened to be a different species. She had decided to go public showing her bare breast and private parts revealing it all. It was a supreme insult. She couldn’t take it anymore.

The next day, the mia noi (mistress) was shot dead leaving behind a trail of unanswered questions. That was it. The scandal had gone too far. Potch knew the consequences but was well prepared. Her close friends stood by her decision when she announced that she had decided to divorce Chaiwath and marry Rudy. Prapan seconded her decision. Rudy had been in constant communication with Prapan as soon as she revealed her plans. He knew without Prapan’s moral support he would be a heat-treated meat. It was a tough, but difficult decision—taking her family and Chaiwath by a big surprise. He tried to use the influence of a revered monk to change her decision. There was big money at stake. Lookie and Cookie were shocked and felt laminated. They just didn’t know whom to blame. It was unbearable. She didn’t give a hoot. Finally, Chaiwath tried to threaten her with further consequences. He had several witch-craft specialists from upcountry as a standby—to do the unthinkable: Cleaving. Still, she didn’t budge. It was her decision—long overdue. Few days later, he was seen limping and admitted to a nearby private hospital. Someone had chewed off his penis and tongue in his sleep, as a valid lesson for the rest of his life. The doctors had difficulty finding a quick replacement, due to technical problems. They didn’t know how to do the job. Out of humiliation, Chaiwath decided to kill himself by swallowing an overdose of verapramil and potassium chloride. It was a tragic death. A one time hero had transcended to a big zero. As the unfortunate news emerged from a private hospital, Chaiwath’s family had to bribe several local newspapers avoiding a front page news splash. It was only partially successful. The big news was about a man who was thrown into the mud as a traditional punishment, because his Bung Fai rocket had failed to take off. Instead, he decided to stay in the cool spot and watch the fun at the Bang Fai festival in Yasothon. Though rare, she had won at last.

At a secret hideout, Potch and Rudy decided to have a civil marriage. Prapan was there among Rudy’s closest friends. There was no big celebration as part of the deal. They decided to keep it low profile. Khanita, Busaban, Denise, and a few business associates were present to witness the event. After the marriage, there was no lavish celebration. They went on to continue their normal lives. Potch decided to move to ‘Pailin Shelter’ after a brief encounter with her two children—Lookie and Cookie—who had been witnessing the event in disbelief. It was a shocking moment watching the family break-up too quick in an unusual way. They decided to be good friends promising to take care of each others lives once their education were over. Cookie had wanted to specialize in fruit flies, while Lookie chose the unthinkable profession: GEMSTONE DEALER.

Just after six o’ clock, there was a knock on the door. Potch was in the bathroom. Rudy went to the front door.
“Who is it?” he asked.
After picking up the envelope, he walked back to his room. He opened the envelope. There was a note attached to a tape.

Khun Rudy,

Life’s but a walking shadow—a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It’s a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
Signifying nothing.

Rudy smiled, as he read the note, taking his thoughts back to Pailin. He stalled a moment stroking his face, alarming something dreadful, as he walked to his reading room in the corner pondering the message. He paused on Phayathai Road and looked around.
“I know you’re in trouble,” Meechai said, putting his hand on Rudy’s shoulder.
Rudy froze in horror, as he saw a gun pointed to his brain. “The fuck, it was you. I knew it.”
“Good to see you again.”
“You too, friend.”
“What do you want from me? What’s your business?”
Meechai laughed. “It has been a long time since we talked. The business is bad, because of bad people. To answer your first question, where is Seri?”
“I don’t know.”
“Are you telling me, you don’t know? The whole world knows what was going on between you and Seri, and now you’re saying you don’t know?”
“That’s right.” Rudy glanced at his watch. James should be phoning him any time. He decided to stay cool. Potch was taking more time in the bathroom, and he wished she stayed longer till James arrived.
“I want to sleep with your wife tonight.”
Rudy smiled in a curious way. “I think she is going through her menstrual period. I don’t see how you can do the stuff, you know. Maybe some other day, okay?”
“I don’t believe this. You’re lying.”
“Is that the reason you are here? That’s all?” Rudy asked. “But, why her?”
“To answer your last question—she is good, fucking good looking. Now to answer your first question, you killed my brother. I know it. Don’t play anymore games with me. I know what has been going on between you and Seri. Jeffrey is dead too because of you.”
“You believe that crap?”
Meechai didn’t answer. “Where is she?”
“Hang on a minute. I think we need to talk. Why don’t you put your gun down and act like a friend. We’ve gone through worse nightmares before in Pailin and Bangkok. There is always a tomorrow. Trust me. We had an understanding before, but you broke the promise taking us by surprise. We should have learned the lesson earlier. But….”
“Lie on the floor on your back.” Meechai ordered.
“What are you going to do? Don’t be too foolish like your brother. It’s not good for your health either. Let’s compromise.” Rudy waited.
Meechai paused. “I’m going to tie your hands with a rope. Just listen. Everything will be fine. Otherwise, I’ll have to watch you die painfully.”
Rudy reasoned. “Aren’t we friends? Remember how we sang together with the mosquitoes in Pailin. Remember? I don’t think you want to watch me die painfully. Gimme the gun. Let’s have champagne!”
“You’re talking too much. Don’t fuck me this time. I have nothing to feel sorry about, you understand. Now just do what I say.” Meechai shrugged.
Rudy’s mind was racing like a Formula One racing driver, trying to figure out an escape. Once he was tied up, he was as good as dead meat.
“I’ve an offer which you can’t refuse.”
“What’s that?”
“A new gem mine in Pailin. It’s yours. In fact, I paid for it. Rasami is going to move with some police officials, who are in fact marijuana plantation owners. But I can guarantee you that you will replace them, and who knows you will become the next god father of Pailin.” Rudy looked up at him.
“Why are you so kind to me?”
“Because I like you. That’s all. We all make mistakes. We suffered enough. Let bygones be bygones.”
Meechai looked away. “I don’t believe it all. It’s a game. Listen to what I just said. No more lectures. I am sick and tired of listening again. Seri used to do the same.”
Rudy looked at him for a second, then said, “Gimme a chance to help you find Seri, will you? Is that what you’re looking for?”
Meechai’s hand gripped tightly around the gun. He knew Rudy was biding his time. He was not listening, instead talking non-stop.
“What’s your big problem? Meechai………..”
Suddenly he went reeling backward as, something big and pointed like a rock, thrown from outside the door, punctured his head.
As Meechai slumped to the floor bleeding and crying in pain loudly, Rudy saw that it was an Amethyst crystal matrix—a gift from Denise, had precisely got inside Meechai’s head. He looked up at Potch in appreciation for having come to his rescue just at the nick of time. The gun was lying on the floor a few feet from him. Potch picked up the gun with a handkerchief, and placed it on the Bangkok Post. A fluorescent pool of dark red was forming on the floor, as Meechai lay barely conscious.
Rudy called James on his cell-phone, and described what had happened. A few hours later, James watched the funeral doctor handle Meechai’s dead body in a wooden crate, accompanying him to Cambodia by road to be buried in the same gem pit where Seri had been laid to rest.

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