
Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Written by Julian Robov

Forty Seven

After the successful preliminary meeting, Rudy left the Governor’s office for his residence. There was a letter left on the dining table for James, as he arrived at Meechai’s secret hideout, which happened to be a condominium belonging to one of their clients. It was unexpected. It was handwritten meticulously in English, and the letter had a lot of coffee stains.

Dear Khun Rudy,
I am leaving the place for a genuine reason. I am sick and tired of living, like a prisoner waiting for the right time to start a normal life, which I think is not going to happen at least in this lifetime given the crimes I have committed in the past. You’ve been good to me while in Cambodia, and now in Bangkok. Let Buddha bless you. I’ve decided to make peace with my brother. He is my only brother. We’ve had our differences on various issues. Sometimes we worked together doing bad deeds for short-sighted gains. At times against my conscience, I’ve thought of killing him as well. I’ve changed. Now let him decide my future. I am not afraid of death anymore. If I’ve to die, let it be from his hand. I feel happy that way and let my soul rest in peace. I have been trying to practice meditation instead my head is spinning like a top reloading bad thoughts I have committed in the present and past. I can’t believe one should go through this mess again. I’ve lost concentration. I’ve no interest in anything. I want to leave the world as soon as possible. Take care. Seri can be good and bad. I hope he will be good to you.


James searched the room once again, before calling Rudy on his cell-phone. This was a strange development. At first he thought it was a game, knowing Meechai’s past.
With the mysterious gemsicution (put to death according to a plan because of gemstones) of Suvit and Jeffrey, it wasn’t hard to believe if Seri was going to remain quiet for so long. Still the police hadn’t a clue as to who was behind the heinous crime as the investigation continued with no suspects. He had been acting like a deranged person for the past few days. James knew the time had come for Rudy to take control of S.B Gem Trend International Corporation. Rudy had an escalation clause in the contract regarding the takeover option.

Rudy arrived at DD Towers. James was waiting. In an hour, they rushed back to their office in a motorcycle due to traffic jam. There was another note on Seri’s table for Rudy. The phone rang. Rudy decided to ignore it. His mind was roaming elsewhere. James picked up the phone.
“It’s for you,” James said.
“Hi Rudy, it’s Seri. Remember me?”
“What’s wrong with you?”
“I’ll get to that in a moment. I know you did a good job closing the deal with Jack, and am happy that my share is already in a Singapore bank. That’s business. But you were not faithful to me as a partner.”
“What does that mean? Get to the point, Seri.”
“Let me finish. My two friends have been gemsicuted (put to death according to a plan because of gemstones) already. No one fucking knows who did the crime. The police say they are fucking investigating. Okay—it’s fine with me. I have no control with the establishment. The point is I have found out that you are in the process of operating a parallel business, which of course works against the interest of our company. You kept me in the dark, which was totally unacceptable. And now my Meechai tells me you brainwashed him to throw dirt at me.”
“He’s with you?”
“That’s right. He repented already, and I’ve forgiven his past sins. My brother is back.”
“Fucking great, Seri. Send my regards to Meechai.”
“Of course, I will.”
Rudy didn’t look happy at all.
“Seri, either you be transparent or we’ll call it adios.”
“Great. Is that what you want?”
“Let me make it clear. I know what you’re doing with some rich ladies and your friends. It’s fine with me. It’s good for the country, especially when the economy is going oblique. You’ve created a fictional situation for yourself believing that I was a goof. Well, my partner, you’re wrong. A hundred percent.”
Rudy decided to keep mum.
“You then persuaded me to invest in Madagascar, Tanzania and Antarctica. For what? To kill me. This is not going anywhere, my partner. You know what? I want fifty one percent share in Blue Color City project, with no questions asked.” Rudy had enough.
“Asshole. You’re wrong. Why don’t you take fifty one percent of my cock too?”
“I have got your full cock in my hand, partner—unless you don’t heat treat me again. You hear me?”
“Listen,” Rudy said, trying to stay calm. “You’ve completely caught me off guard. One more thing. Does anyone else know this?”
“Of course, yes. Meechai and Mark Foo.”
“Rudy, you can’t escape this time. From now on I give orders and you listen.”
“Listen,” Rudy said. “I have got to consult with my friends.”
“I know. But I have little patience these days after the death of my friends. I’m giving you two more weeks. I want to see the complete details of your new project. Otherwise, you’ll know your fate soon.”
“Are you threatening me? You forgot one more thing.”
“A surface diffusion-treated blue sapphire, and a doctored gem identification report. I’ve the stone and report with me for your information. I bought the stone from the Cambodian General.”
“I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”
“Of course, you know too damn well.”
“You’re not talking about the treatment, are you?”
Rudy didn’t answer the question. He had other ideas.
“Well, to make a long conversation short, you’re in trouble if you don’t obey my orders. If you play anymore games with me, you know too well what I am talking about?” Rudy remained quiet.
“You know where to contact me,” Seri said. “From now on I don’t want to see you in the office, till I see the Blue Color City project completely ready.” With that, Seri hung up.
“Jesus fucking Christ!” Rudy cupped his face and slumped in a chair.
“I heard everything,” James said. “I don’t think he is that stupid to play anymore games with us.”
“You never know,” Rudy added. “We’re fucking farangs (foreigners) in a strange but friendly country.”
“It’s show time.”

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