
Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The Desert Capitalists @ BBC

Mukhul Devichands's documentary on Marwaris, a powerful global economic and political force, from Bombay to Paris to London @ was insightful.

Useful link:

Khaled Samawi

Khaled Samawi is a Swiss born financier + art collector of Syrian descent + Ayyaam Gallery, his first major commercial gallery in Damascus (Dubai + Beirut) dealing in contemporary Syrian art is a must visit. Ayyam gallery's artists are of Arab, Kurd, Armenian, Circassian, Christian, Muslim, Druze origin. I hope Syria will be more open-minded in the near future so that artists are able to experiment new concepts via art. But first, Hats off to Khaled!

Useful link:

Gianni Schicchi

Woody Allen's directorial debut of Puccini’s 'Gianni Schicchi' for the Los Angeles Opera was brilliant.

Go to for further information.

Harry Oppenheimer Diamond Museum

Gold jewelry items found in archeological digs in Israel are on display @ Apples of Gold in Pictures of Silver exhibition at the Harry Oppenheimer Diamond Museum, a subsidiary of the Israel Diamond Institute, in Ramat Gan, Israel.

Go to for further information.

Palladium Update

Palladium Alliance International (PAI) has revamped its multimedia trade web site with fresh content + new product galleries + community forums + personalized communication platforms. PAI membership is free. Don't miss it.

Useful links:

Monday, September 08, 2008

World Of Good

I found the new eBaymarketplace for green and fair-trade products called World of Good @ interesting. I liked it.

Useful link:


Cuprite is one of the rarest of all gemstones, and comes from one known source -- Onganja, Namibia. It usually occurs in association with native copper, azurite, chrysocolla, malachite, tenorite and a variety of iron oxide minerals (Arizona, New Mexico, USA; Mexico, Bolivia, Chile, France, Russia, DR Congo). The metallic appearance + intense deep red garnet-like color + brilliance are collector's delight. Most crystal/facet-quality specimens are either in museums or with private collectors.

Random Thoughts

Be a voracious reader. When I first came to America, I was blown away and blessed the day the founding fathers gave us free libraries. It was the first time since the Gutenberg Bible that all information became available to all levels of society. Everyone has the same access to information, which is access to power.

- Gene Simmons

Psychology Of The Stock Market

Psychology of the Stock Market
By George Charles Selden
Published by Ticker, 1912
Original from the University of California
Digitized Nov 29, 2007
120 pages

Go to for further information. The book has priceless information.

Art Update

Souren Melikian's article, South Africa: The last preserve of 20th-century painting + fragmented life stories of artists + other viewpoints @ was brilliant. A must read.

Useful link:

Aqua Expeditions

If you are interested visiting Peruvian Amazon, the last great unexplored region of the world, go to for further information.

Damien Hirst @ Sothebys

Damien Hirst, one of the world's richest artists, will auction his new works via Sotheby's on September 15 - 16, 2008. Go to,29307,1838365_1759996,00.html for further information.

Useful links:

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Random Thoughts

I like to stick with fairly basic, understandable, boring businesses and avoid sexy, change-the-world stories.

- Francois Parenteau
Defiance Capital LLC/Defiance Fund Ltd


Natural scheelite is often found in greyish white, yellow or brown colors + well-formed crystals are sought by collectors and occasionally fashioned into gemstones when free of flaws + under ultraviolet light the gem material fluoresces strong blue/the presence of molybdenum may produce a green glow.

Scheelite has been synthesized by the Czochralski/flux/vapor processes to imitate diamond, or as a scintillator/solid state lasing medium + synthetic scheelites are produced in many colors with rare earth dopants including purple, red brown, light green, yellow, yellow brown, deep red, dark yellow green, and colorless (pure) + natural scheelite can be identified from synthetic material by microscope (Natural =internal growth features/inclusions; Synthetic = clean or curved striae + clouds of minute gas bubbles) + spectroscope = absorption spectrum (rare earth =praseodymium and neodymium).

Collectors often confuse between natural and synthetic scheelites + end up paying high prices thinking they were buying genuine stones. If in doubt, always consult a reputed gem testing laboratory.

For Better Or For Worse

(via Wiki) For Better or For Worse is a comic strip by Lynn Johnston that began in September 1979, and ended the main story on August 30, 2008, with a postscript epilogue the following day. As of September 2008, the strip is re-telling its original story by means of a combination of newly drawn strips and reruns. The strip is set in the fictitious Toronto-area suburban town of Milborough, Ontario; it chronicles the lives of a Canadian family, The Pattersons, and their friends. It is seen in over 2,000 newspapers throughout Canada, the United States and about 20 other countries, and is translated into eight languages from its native English. The title is a reference to the marriage service in the Anglican Book of Common Prayer: have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health...

Useful links:

She has got a huge fan base and I hope she carries on with the wit she's capable of.

Barter Community

During an economic downturn, like-minded people are becoming financially creative by willing to trade everything under the sun to get their everyday tasks done. People have started bartering for many reasons than before and there are no limits to it. Signs of the times, really.

Useful links:

The Future Of Energy

Fareed Zakaria + James E. Rogers conversations on the future of energy @ was really educational.

Useful links:

American Wines

Joel Stein's viewpoints on 50 American wines + the methodology @ was brilliant.

Useful links:

Biennale des Antiquaires

The Economist article on Biennale des Antiquaires, the most opulent antique fair in the world + other viewpoints @ was insightful.

Useful links:

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Lithium Niobate

In the gemstone world, lithium niobate is perceived as a diamond simulant + the colors range from yellow, blue, red, green, violet and colorless + the stones are grown using the Czochralski process + due to its unique electro-optical, photoelastic, piezoelectric and non-linear properties, it's used extensively in the telecoms market, e.g. in mobile telephones and optical modulators.

101 Reykjavík

Baltasar Kormákur is an Icelandic actor + theater + film director + film producer. I liked his movie 101 Reykjavík, uniquely Icelandic + it's a funny portrait of life in Europe's most inhospitable country.

Useful link:

Random Thoughts

America's potential is still strong. This country has unleashed human potential like no other country has in the world. And it's been a terrible mistake to bet against the United States ever since 1776, and I think it will continue to be a mistake.

- Warren Buffett

Subodh Gupta

Tara Kilachand's article on Subodh Gupta, India’s No. 1 contemporary artist + the leap from Delhi to Paris, London, New York, Shanghai + large-scale installation works + other viewpoints @ was interesting.

Useful links:


Crowdsourcing: Why the Power of the Crowd Is Driving the Future of Business by Jeff Howe is an insightful book + an amazing phenomenon. A must read.

Useful link:

Guide To Wine

The Guardian + Observer's guide to wine + other viewpoints @ was excellent. Thank you.

No two bottles ever taste quite the same.

R. Crumb

Ken Johnson's article on R. Crumb and his cartooning style @ was brilliant.

Useful links:

Friday, September 05, 2008

Karim Rashid

Karim Rashid is an industrial designer. His work is in the permanent collections of famous museums and art galleries worldwide, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. His designs are simple and elegant + I liked them!

Useful links:

Random Thoughts

Pops. Sweet Papa Dip. Satchmo. He had perfect pitch and perfect rhythm. His improvised melodies and singing could be as lofty as a moon flight or as low-down as the blood drops of a street thug dying in the gutter. Like most of the great innovators in jazz, he was a small man. But the extent of his influence across jazz, across American music and around the world has such continuing stature that he is one of the few who can easily be mentioned with Stravinsky, Picasso and Joyce. His life was the embodiment of one who moves from rags to riches, from anonymity to internationally imitated innovator. Louis Daniel Armstrong supplied revolutionary language that took on such pervasiveness that it became commonplace, like the light bulb, the airplane, the telephone.

- Stanley Crouch
Time Magazine
June 8, 1998

Slacker Uprising

Michael Moore's (an Academy Award-winning American filmmaker) Slacker Uprising is to be released on September 23, 2003 for free. Hats off to Michael!

Useful links:

Green Gold

Marc Gunther's article on environmental issues concerning gold mining industry, one of the world's dirtiest industries + new eco-friendly initiatives by Wal Mart + Tiffany + Richline Group @ was insightful.

Useful links:

Côtes du Rhône

Eric Asimov's article on Côtes du Rhône + the current generation of French winemakers + global warming + other viewpoints @ was interesting.

Useful link:

New Ink Art

Alexandra A. Seno's article on New Ink Art + other viewpoints @ was educational and insightful.

Useful link:

David Magang: Mutineer Turned Visionary

Chaim Even Zohar writes about David Magang, from a diamond industry perspective + other viewpoints @

A must read.

The Magic of Perseverance by David Magang is a must read for anyone with an interest in Botswana.

Scott McCloud

Scott McCloud is an American cartoonist + Google's new Web browser, Google Chrome comic book was drawn by Scott. I really liked it.

Useful link:

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Treated Green Amber

Dr. Lore Kiefert has written an interesting article on treated green amber @ A must read.

Useful links:

Random Thoughts

I am not an abstract painter. I am not interested in the relationship between form and color. The only thing I care about is the expression of man's basic emotions: tragedy, ecstasy, destiny.

- Mark Rothko

The BlogWorld Expo 2008

The BlogWorld Expo 2008 will be held on September 21 - 21, 2008 at the Las Vegas Convention Center.

Go to for further information. Don't miss it.

Impact Film Festival

I found the Impact Film Festival, a four-day event held during the 2008 Democratic + Republican Conventions in Denver and Minneapolis 2008 + the panel discussions intriguing. I think it's a great idea. Go to for further information.

The Chinese Art Explosion

Barbara Pollack writes about works by Chinese contemporary artists + galleries + auction houses + art fairs + other viewpoints @

A must read.

The War For Wealth

The War for Wealth: The True Story of Globalization, or Why the Flat World is Broken by Gabor Steingart is a thought-provoking book on globalization (problems + analysis + solutions). A must read.

Useful link:

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Chrome Chronology

Google's open source browser project + the simplification drive via comicbook guide @ was brilliant. I liked it.

Gershwin Prize

Stevie Wonder is the second recipient of the U.S. Library of Congress's Gershwin Prize for Popular Song after singing for nearly five decades + the award presentation will take place in the Great Hall of the Library on Feb. 23, 2009. Congratulations Stevie!

Useful links:


Visual observation: New transparent rhodonites from Brazil (by-product of manganese mining) could be easily confused for rhodochrosites. The color is beautiful and I hope the stones won't be exposed to treatments like other colored stones.

Ecopulse Study 2008

A recent study called Ecopulse 2008 by the Shelton Group + consumers feedback is rather interesting.

Go to for more information.

New Business Startups - India

Vaishali Jain writes about startup companies + other viewpoints @

Useful links:

The Prediction Market

I found Intrade, an online prediction market based in Dublin, interesting. Go to for further information. I think it's definitely the place for betting enthusiasts.


Supercapitalism: The Transformation of Business, Democracy, and Everyday Life by Robert B. Reich is an interesting book about the clash between capitalism and democracy. A must read.

Useful link:

Ivanka Trump + Diamonds

The New York Post/Page Six Magazine article on Ivanka Trump @ was interesting.

Useful link:

Rough Diamonds

1. The purchase of rough diamonds is a specialized field requiring much experience and is definitely not recommended for beginners.

2. Ask for Kimberley Certificate. Today most reputable diamond dealers will not buy rough diamonds without documents.

3. Market factors. One of the great mysteries for beginners is understanding the relationship between price and quality. In a perfect world, price would directly relate to quality, weight, and rarity. But rough diamond trade is far from perfect. Market factors can have as much or even greater impact on prices as does quality. Check current prices.

4. If you are using thermal testers to confirm your identification of rough diamonds, make sure the instruments are working properly. Read the instructions fully and practice using it. Allow stones to acclimatize to the surrounding temperature before testing.

5. There are plenty of diamond imitations in the open market. Frequently encountered diamond simulants include glass, quartz, corundum, topaz, phenakite, spinel, zircon + synthetic cubic zirconia, GGG, YAG, synthetic strontium titanate, synthetic moissanite, and assembled stones.

6. If you are doubtful always consult a reputed gem testing laboratory.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Li Al Silicate (+Nd) + Amorphous (glass) + Light blue to lavender + Hardness = 6.5 + Heat sensitive + perceived as simulants for many light blue colored stones (especially alexandrite).

Heard On The Street

Pense moult, Parle peu, Ecris rien (Think a lot, Say little, Write nothing).

Antwerp Diamond Conference

The 2008 Antwerp Diamond Conference will be held at the Elisabeth hall on the Koningin Astridplein, adjacent to the diamond district, on November 17 - 19, 2008.

Useful links:

Charlie Gillett

Charlie Gillett is a British radio presenter + writer + one of the country's most influential proponents of 'world music'. Go to for further information

Random Thoughts

I am, unfortunately, a person who has often said: You put a gun to my head and pull the trigger or take the gun away, I won't move my head.

I admire people who are very successful. But if that success has been achieved through too much ruthlessness, then I may admire that person, but I can't respect him.

- Ratan Tata

We Campaign

Bryan Walsh's article on We Campaign + other viewpoints @,8599,1837761,00.html was educational and insightful.

Useful links:

Termite = Fuel

Lisa Margonelli's article, Gut Reactions + other viewpoints @ was brilliant. A must read.

Useful links:

Random Thoughts

As quoted in the Congressional Record, the exchange between John Pierpont Morgan and Samuel Untermyer, the commit­tee's legal counsel:

Untermyer: Is not commercial credit based primarily upon money or property?

Morgan: No, sir; the first thing is character.

Untermyer: Before money or property?

Morgan: Before money or property or anything else. Money cannot buy it. . . . A man I do not trust could not get money from me on all the bonds in Christendom.

Toronto International Film Festival

Toronto International Film Festival is set to begin on September 4, 2008. Go to for further information. Don't miss it.


Williamsite (a translucent variety of antigorite) is apple green in color + contains dark octahedral crystals of chromite, and patches of white brucite (magnesium hydroxide) + perceived as an imitation for chalcedony, other green stones.


Hematite is simulated by a variety of materials. One of these, known as hematine, is a mixture of stainless steel with sulphides of Chromium (Cr) and Nickel (Ni). It has a red streak but is also magnetic, whereas hematite is not.

Victoria Stone

Victoria stone is a complex silicate glass, highly chatoyant due to network of fibers. It's made by melting various minerals + produced in wide color range + perceived as an imitation to many colored stones.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Ben K. Green

(via Wiki) Ben K. Green wrote about his favorite subject, the not-so-old American west. His books are basically short stories that draw from his own experiences in the Southwestern United States. He earned his living by trading horses in his early years. The method of trading was 'cheat or be cheated'.

There are important lessons to be learnt. The best cons come spontaneously when the other side isn't expecting it.

Pocket Journey

Pocket Journey is a mobile social exchange that connects you to a world of location-specific knowledge so you can quickly know everything about anywhere.

Go to for further information. I liked it.

Arts Videos

Ajesh Patalay's 50 greatest arts videos on YouTube @ was brilliant. Thanks Ajesh.

Hayao Miyazaki

Hayao Miyazaki is a prominent director of many popular animated feature films + the co-founder of Studio Ghibli, an animation studio and production company. His latest film Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea, is one of two animated features from Japan in contention for this year's Golden Lion prize. All the best of luck!

Useful links:

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Illusion Contest

I found the best visual illusion of the year contest @ interesting + educational.

Useful link:


According to Ecorio, the user is able to accurately calculate their travel carbon footprint. Given awareness of their travel carbon footprint, the user can take action in three ways: Reduce, Inspire, and Offset. Brilliant!

Useful link:

Canadian Diamond Bourse Feasibility Study

I found the initiative by the Canadian Jewellers Association + the Diamond Manufacturers Association of Canada to establish the country’s first diamond bourse @ educational and insightful. Canada, being the world’s third largest producer of rough diamonds + having produced $1.6 billion worth in 2007, definitely need a diamond bourse.

Useful links:

Rapaport International Diamond Conference 2008

The Rapaport International Diamond Conference 2008 will be held on September 8, 2008 in New York, USA.

Go to for more information.

Useful link:


Indian retailer Gitanjali Group has launched a new line of gold and cubic zirconia (CZ) jewelry, called 'Rivaaz' featuring 18-karat gold with Signity CZ, with more than 500 designs in rings, pendants, earrings, necklaces and bangles.

Go to for further information.

The Solar Impulse Project

Solar Impulse is a long-range solar plane project promoted by Bertrand Piccard + Andre Borschberg, capable of circumnavigating the globe. I think with better engine designs + lightweight batteries + efficient solar cells, Solar aircraft would be poised for take off.

Useful links:

Jeffrey E. Horvitz

The Economist's article on Jeffrey E. Horvitz + his passion for French and Italian drawings + other viewpoints @ was insightful.

Useful links:

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Commodities Market Update

According to market analysts, Singapore may become the global hub for commodities trading. A large number of commodity traders have chosen the city as their HQ of operations rightfully because the city has become the financial hub of Asia.

Useful links:

Gem + Jewelry Market Update

Geena Paul's article on China's jewelry market + other viewpoints @!-11337-3-6.html was insightful. I think China will definitely take over India as the top market for the gem/jewelry sector. Just watch!

An Interesting Trend

I recently came across an organization called Outstanding in the Field, which hosts dining events on beaches, farms, and vineyards. I thought it was a great idea, in fact I liked it.

Useful links:

Sevan Bicakci Rings

If you are looking for something a whole lot different, check out the gem and hand-painted miniatures on the Ottoman and Byzantine-inspired cuff links and rings @

I really liked Sevan Bicakci rings.

Affordable DNA Testing

According to Pacific Biosciences, a startup company based in California, USA, they could do high- speed DNA sequencing faster, at an affordable cost. I think disruptive technology changes everything in genomics. Hats off to PacBio!

Useful links:

Random Thoughts

Whenever people agree with me, I feel that I must be wrong.

- Oscar Wilde

How true! Sometimes I feel the same way.


Martin Creamer's article on DebTech and the amazing array of analytical tools used in diamond extraction + other viewpoints @ was educational and insightful. The Electra Mining Africa exhibition will take place in Johannesburg, South Africa from September 8 - 12, 2008. A must visit.

Useful links:

The Francis Egerton Story

I found Tony Bonsignore's story on Francis Egerton and his paintings @ interesting. As he rightly put it, strange story, strange times. Great article.

Useful links:

Made For Maharajas

Made for Maharajas: A Design Diary of Princely India by Dr. Amin Jaffer is a fascinating historical book on art and luxury goods associated with the aristocracy of the maharajas during these centuries. A must read.

Useful link:

The Democratic Convention 2008

The Democratic National Convention 2008 in Three Minutes @ was brilliant. Thanks Craig Duff.

Useful links:

Gemstones + Patience

What is the most important aspect of buying gemstones? Patience. From an action standpoint, buying is boring, because it's very much a waiting game. Every day buyers are bombarded with information about the gemstone markets (local + international). Almost all of this is pure noise. Your best bet, as a buyer, is to ignore 95% of everything you hear about gemstone markets. It sounds very simple. But it is not. We as humans are not designed to sit still. We want to be doing something, not sitting around waiting for miracles to happen. In actuality, waiting takes tremendous discipline. Practice.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Random Thoughts

If you know American history, you know that Barack Obama's nomination is the social equivalent of landing a man on the moon.

- Howard Fineman

I agree.

Videogame Update

I found N’Gai Croal's article on design innovation in the game industry @ interesting. Good ideas + real-world experience = Innovation

Useful links:

Capital Museum

'Chinese Memory: Treasures of a 5000-Year Civilization' exhibition will be open till October 7, 2008.

Go to for further information.

A must visit.

Positive Psychology

Want to learn to make the most of your life? Meet Tal Ben-Shahar. He is an author and lecturer + currently teaches the largest course at Harvard on Positive Psychology.

Go to for further information.

Trivia Question

Chaim Even Zohar writes about trivial issues (De Beers name changes) + other viewpoints @

J. Grahl Design

Jim Grahl creates world's finest hand crafted jewelry. I really liked The Balboa Park Carousel Egg (a large Faberge-like mechanical wonder + artistically intricate + bejeweled miniature reproduction of the Balboa Park Carousel), the 56 hand-carved animal characters that move to the music of one of San Diego's best-known attractions. Go to for further information.

What Is Art?

Art is very personal communication - between the artist and the viewer, and between the viewers.

- Kim Zussman

I liked it.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Michael Hill Jeweller

Michael Hill Jeweller is a newcomer to the US retail jewelry market. I found Nicholas White's analysis on Michael Hill @ interesting. A must read.

Useful link:

The Forger's Spell

The Forger's Spell: A True Story of Vermeer, Nazis, and the Greatest Art Hoax of the Twentieth Century by Edward Dolnick is a great book about the dark art of forgery + gullibility of artworld experts. A must read. I liked it.

Useful link:

Intellectual + Emotional Education

The value of social and emotional learning + other viewpoints @ was educational and insightful.

Useful links:

Random Thoughts

The best icons tell a story, and it’s a story that validates our feelings and amplifies the way we look at the world.

- Seth Godin

How true!

Jorge Pardo

Jorge Pardo's display of ancient pre-Columbian art at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art was superb.

I liked it.

Useful links:

The Bayreuth Festival

(via Wiki) The Bayreuth Festival is a music festival held annually in Bayreuth, Germany, at which performances of operas by the 19th century German composer Richard Wagner are presented. Wagner himself conceived of and promoted the idea of a special festival to showcase his own works, in particular his monumental cycle Der Ring des Nibelungen and Parsifal. Performances take place in a specially designed theatre, the Festspielhaus. Wagner personally supervised the design and construction of the theatre, which contained many architectural innovations to accommodate the huge orchestras for which Wagner wrote as well as the composer's particular vision about the staging of his works. The Festival has become a pilgrimage destination for Wagner enthusiasts, who often must wait years to obtain tickets.

Go to @ for further information.

Antenna Design

Antenna Design's specialty is form + function + interactive + intellectual. The designs are breathtaking. I liked it.

Useful link:

How To Install A Living + Green Roof

The Wired article on building a green roof + other viewpoints @ was brilliant. Just do it + save the environment.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Pew Environment Group + Nature Conservancy

According to a study by the Pew Environment Group and Nature Conservancy, more than 40 percent of Australia, an area the size of India, remains untouched by humans, making the country as critical to the world's environment as the Amazon rainforests.

Useful link:

It's hard to believe it + rare in this century + precious.

Dubai & Co

Dubai & Co.: Global Strategies for Doing Business in the Gulf States by Aamir A. Rehman is a great book on one of the world's fastest growing markets: the Middle East + provides an excellent introduction to the Gulf Cooperation Council countries (GCC). A must read.

Useful links: