
Showing posts with label Hakai Magazine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hakai Magazine. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

How To Love An Oyster

Many thanks to Brendan Borrell of Hakai Magazine for sharing an insightful story. Oysters are natural storytellers.

Useful link:

Thursday, November 04, 2021


Mark Wilding's story on ambergris was fascinating. Ambergris is one of the world's unlikeliest commodities. The waxy substance formed in the gut of around one in 100 sperm whales is frequently described as vomit, but is almost certainly expelled from the other end of the animal. There is an important factor in the ambergris appeal-----mystery. And wherever there is mystery around a commodity, misinformation, suspicion, and secrecy often follow. Along the way, you will meet half-bright half-idiots of all hues. Must read.

Useful link: