
Thursday, June 05, 2008

Fischer Travel

(via artful persuasion) In essence, the scarcity principle says we value what is scarce. When we discover that something is scarce or may be unavailable, one of our first thoughts is that it must also be valuable.

Fischer Travel, a small, exclusive New York travel company uses the scarcity principle to build up its highly lucrative business of providing luxury and exotic travel to the rich and famous. Fischer Travel's select list of 500 business and entertainment 'big names' includes record mogul Quincy Jones, basketball legend Magic Johnson, and fashion designer Donna Karan, plus members of the super-rich Vanderbilt and Rockefeller families. To support its claim to exclusivity, Fischer Travel never advertises, has an unlisted phone number, and distributes business cards that carry only the agency’s name and address - no phone number. Clients come in by personal referrals.

Brilliant idea!

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