
Friday, May 02, 2008

T- rays

(via Wiki) Electromagnetic waves sent at terahertz frequencies, known as terahertz radiation, terahertz waves, terahertz light, T-rays, T-light, T-lux and THz, are in the region of the electromagnetic spectrum between 300 gigahertz (3x1011 Hz) and 3 terahertz (3x1012 Hz), corresponding to the submillimeter wavelength range between 1 millimeter (high-frequency edge of the microwave band) and 100 micrometer (long-wavelength edge of far-infrared light).

I found the article Detecting T-rays @ interesting because of its wide application in various faculties of science and technology + I also believe T-rays could be useful in detecting unique chemical signatures in sophistcated treated/synthetic colored stones and diamonds.

Useful links:

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