
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Hydrothermal Synthetic Rubies

(via ICA Early Warning Flash, No.66, January 28, 1993) GGL writes:

During the Fall season of 1991, we first became aware of a production of hydrothermal synthetic rubies being made in Russia. At that time, we were informed that the production was only consisting of very small stones and therefore this seemed to be more of a scientific than commercial interest. During the next year and a half, we did not receive any additional information concerning further developments of this product. While on a recent trip to Bangkok though three samples were acquired which were reportedly from a recent production of Russian hydrothermal synthetic rubies. Seeing as how this represents a new and therefore unfamiliar synthetic ruby on the market, we felt it would be beneficial to inform the colored stone industry of their presence through the ICA Early Warning Alert system.

Gemological properties
The three sample stones tested, weighed 1.69, 0.69 and 0.62 ct. possessing colors ranging from Burma to Thai types with high saturations and medium to dark tones. Standard gemological testing revealed properties of refractive index (1.76-1.77), birefringence (0.008), specific gravity (3.99-4.00), UV fluorescence (LW: weak-med, red; SW: inert-weak red) and spectrum, consistent with other natural and synthetic rubies.

Microscopic examination revealed the presence of very strong graining features throughout the stone. These graining features are visually reminiscent of the type of graining observed in the Russian production of hydrothermal synthetic emeralds. In most directions, this graining is generally in a striated pattern, although in one direction the graining takes on a strongly roiled appearance resembling an aggregation of graining features. The presence of this graining is so strong, as to have an effect of slightly reducing the transparency of the stone enough to give it a sleepy appearance. This also caused a slightly diffused image of the pavilion back facet edges when viewed through the table. Certain fluctuations of color zoning could also be observed interwoven with the graining patterns. Distinctive as well were the presence of numerous, small, golden colored, highly reflective metallic inclusions. These inclusions were present in small collective groups as well as sparsely located individually. Additionally observed were healed fracture systems creating fingerprint inclusions which occasionally contained a secondary gas phase and other fracture systems.

While these rubies represent a completely new kind of synthetic which could be encountered in the market today, their identification should not prove to be difficult. Just as with other synthetic rubies, mass sampling by means of UV fluorescence will not separate these synthetics from their natural counterparts. Microscopic examination identifying the very strong graining features which are unlike any of the swirled or planar growth characteristics observed in natural rubies from various localities and the presence of golden colored metallic inclusions, provide clear and easy proof of the synthetic origin for these hydrothermally grown rubies.

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