
Monday, January 22, 2007


By Eduard Gubelin and Franz-Xaver Erni
2000 GeoScience Press Inc, Tucson, Arizona
ISBN 0-945005-36-9

GeoScience Press Inc writes:

This book offers the reader a deep insight into the fascinating world of gemstones. It provides an exact description of the individual gems and goes into their origins and their extraction. In this graphic style, Eduard Gubelin reports on the events deep inside the Earth aeons ago that led to the creation of these superlative, sparkling natural products and their colorful radiance. Even if these wonders of Nature can be reduced to chemical formulae, they nevertheless lose nothing of the fascination that they have had for humans since time immemorial.

Franz-Xaver Erni offers the reader a spellbinding tale of how gemstones have loyally accompanied humans throughout history. How gemstones have served women as jewelry and men as symbols of their power. The loveliest of gems adorn women’s jewelry as well as the crowns and insignia of worldly and spiritual rulers.

Throughout ages, individual gems have been allocated to the months of the year and to the signs of the zodiac and imbued with special healing powers in popular imagination. This book offers qualified answers to all questions relating to gemstones; it is not only an exciting read but also a reference work that can be consulted as required.

About the authors

Dr. Eduard J Gubelin is one of the foremost gemologists in the world.

Dr Franz-Xaver Erni is a freelance journalist (PEN).

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