
Saturday, December 16, 2006

Gemstone Treatments

Empresa Brasilera De Radiacoes Ltda, or Embrarad operates in Brazil and is well-known in the gem industry. Embrarad is not a gemstone dealer, but it provides gamma radiation facility for wide variety of industries from pharmaceuticals to plastics to drinking water.

Prasiolite is marketed as green amethyst or green quartz. The color is due to treatment. Other colored gemstones such as oro verde quartz, smoky quartz, blue topaz, dark pink rubellite, blue beryl, and yellow beryl may owe their colors due to irradiation.

Gem dealers from all over Brazil utilize the expertise of Embrarad to produce new colors in order to make money in the gem business. Gemstones are frequently treated by heating, irradiation, diffusion, coating, dyeing or other modified means to make it more desirable and saleable. Each gemstone(s)has its market niche, and as long as the treatment(s)are properly disclosed the stones will find its right place.

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