
Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Written by Julian Robov

Forty Two

The receptionist had to call the security guards for help, as the ruby brokers demanded to see the managers: Sanders and Jeb. They couldn’t believe that both, Sanders and Jeb, weren’t in.

But Jeb and Sanders were already busy with Baddy, Tito, and Miko, at Sanders’s Trairong Tower condo on Pattanakarn Road, Klongton. This arrangement was to avoid any last minute surprise moves by Troublov and his accomplices. The discussions kept going, despite the fact that they had come to gentlemen’s agreement regarding the profit from the deal. Jeb and Baddy remained quiet, giving Sanders the full authority to finalize the deal. They had no second thoughts regarding the quality of the ruby. After the drinks they got back to business. Tito decided to take the initiative first.
“Speak your mind, Sanders. Don’t beat around the bush. We had a deal. Remember, when you called me?” Tito said emphatically.
Miko remained silent giving Tito the opportunity to speak out, as the friendly number game took over the discussions.
“Yeah, I very well remember,” Tito continued. “You wanted to know whether we would be interested in getting into a partnership. That’s right. That’s what I asked for. What’s your stance now? Do you want to stick with the deal?”
“Tito, what’s the deal? You want me to put up the money to buy the ruby, right? How much are we talking about here?” Sanders asked.
“I have to remind you again that this piece belongs to Lord,” said Tito. “He gave it to us for a reason, not that he doesn’t know how to sell, but purposely to vent his anger against Rubyhall. So we got the piece and quietly shopped around, till we hit a jackpot.”
“THE BRITISH LOTTO, right?” Sanders interrupted. Both, Tito and Miko glanced at Sanders in absolute shock. “How did you know that?”
“I was listening to your phone conversation with Chichi just before this meeting,” said Sanders, smiling. “You are a millionaire today, Tito. Congratulations! Now getting back to our main point, you have now the money to buy. Do we have a deal?”
“Here’s the deal,” Miko answered. “We go fifty-fifty, just this piece. Whatever profit we make we share. A word is a word. No change, whatever the situation. You have been good to us, and we want to continue that relationship, irrespective of the fact that we have the money. Thank God, what a lucky stroke! I’ve already a customer who will be willing to buy this piece. Now what Lord agreed upon was, we need to give him two million dollars for the piece. We will have to transfer the money to a numbered account, which he has already given to me in advance. Once that money is deposited, the stone belongs to us. That’s the whole story.”
“Fifty-fifty, right? I chip in one million and you guys one million. Then when you sell the piece, whatever profit we make, we share fifty-fifty. Am I correct?” Sanders asked.
“Absolutely right. Is that a deal?” Tito conferred.
“Then let’s shake hands on it. We have done deals before. But this one is special.” They toasted their new partnership with high five and body slams.
“Now what?” Miko asked, as they settled on the couch.
“Before Lord changes his mind, I think we will have to deposit his two million dollars into his Swiss account as early as possible. I believe for this size, this is a good bargain and we cannot afford to lose this opportunity at any cost, know what I mean? There might be those big arms of Rubyhall or whoever, those thugs and bugs they could all be after us. But first, settle the account with Lord, then all this chasing will slow down,” said Tito quickly.
“So, why don’t we do it now?” Miko added. “Transfer the money now, and give Lord a call. It will be too late for him to change his mind.”
“I’ll transfer the money now for you guys. The rest you pay me, when your money is in,” Sanders reminded.
“Fine, Sanders. Do you have anything to eat? I’m hungry,” Miko complained.
“Sure. There’s corned beef and pastrami, straight from the Sheraton Grande. Go to the kitchen and help yourself,” Jeb replied.
Sanders had to do the money transfer fast, and the best way he could achieve that was to call Hong Kong. His financial consultant, Ricky Hu, did all the money transfers when requested.
The fax machine focused everyone’s attention. Sanders rushed to read the incoming fax.
“It’s done. The money had gone to Lord’s account. We have the copy of the transfer. Now Tito, it is your turn. Give Lord a call,” said Sanders happily.
After a pause, Tito telephoned Winston Lord’s office.
“Winston Lord!”
“Where the hell have you been? Now listen, I’ve an urgent reminder. Where is that ruby, my 37carat piece? I want it back. Now! I’ll be in the office,” said Winston without elaborating much.
“Are you in the office right now? I’m sending a fax. Read the contents carefully,” answered Tito.
“What does that mean?” Lord looked puzzled, as his fax machine went on.
“Please read the message, Mr Lord. It’s coming now,” said Tito. “I’m holding the line. After you have read, then I’m ready to listen.”
“Oh, my God,” uttered Lord in disbelief. “You did it. Je-ez, what am I going to tell Ris?”
“I kept my word,” said Tito. “Your money is in your account. Now the stone belongs to me.”
“Why so quick? How am I gonna face him?” Lord said bluntly. He knew there was no room for further negotiation. The 37carat ruby were gone, and the money was in his account, in Switzerland.
“Are you talking about Ris Rubyhall?” Tito asked, looking at Sanders and Miko. They were listening to him, while munching the goodies from Sheraton Grande.
“It’s a long story,” said Lord, as if he had another idea to turn around the situation. “Okay, now where are you? How can I contact you?”
“I’ll call you back,” replied Tito, without going into much detail. In fact, there wasn’t much to talk about. There was no way the ruby was going to be returned to Lord.
Lord tried to make one more effort to see if they could sell the ruby indirectly to Rubyhall. It was just a thought, which wasn’t his idea in the first place after their brief animosity. It ran against his business logic. But the peace deal came in too late to diffuse the tension.
“I just don't know what to say,” said Lord. “Anyway thanks for the transfer. I’ll have to eat my pride now.”

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