
Friday, December 08, 2006


Written by Julian Robov

Fifty Nine

Tito and Miko were still holed up at Chichi’s mother’s villa in Rangsit, waiting for the latest information from Jeb. It was an uncomfortable experience, but they didn’t want to do anything stupid knowing that the thugs were still around. Meanwhile, Citrina had been trying hard to call Miko, but the line always remained engaged. She felt that something was not right. But she was persistent and kept trying. This time the line was on.
“Miko!” she cried in despair. “What’s going on at your office? I’ve been trying and trying, no answer. Can I talk to you now?” she asked.
“Thank you for calling. It’s a long story. Our office is closed temporarily. What can I do for you?” Miko said plainly without elaborating much. He knew she had something in her mind.
“Where can I meet you privately? It’s regarding rubies, and I would like to buy a few from you if possible,” she said waiting for his reply.
There was a moment of silence, as he glanced at Tito for his opinion. He was talking on his mobile to Jeb. He recognized the call, but Tito looked serious, and he didn’t want to disappoint Citrina at this particular juncture. It was a risk knowing the consequences, but Miko decided to do something about it.
“Where do you want me to meet?” Miko asked.
“Oh good, at my exclusive apartment on Srinakarin Road. You can’t miss this one. Floraville! The place is not too far from Pattanakarn Road. It’s very near to Jusco. I can pick you up if you want to be that way. It’s safe,” she assured.
“When?” he quipped.
“Tomorrow morning. Is that okay for you?” she asked.
“Fine. Give me the address. I will be there,” he said.
Miko wrote the address and the telephone number on a piece of paper, and then hung up the phone to hear what Tito had to say. Chichi stood behind Tito wanting to know the full details about Sanders and Troublov.
“He is dead,” uttered Tito aimlessly.
“Who?” Miko and ChiChi asked in confusion.
“Grigory Troublov, alias frigging Pierre Themiro,” Tito answered quickly.
There was a sigh of relief, as Chichi rushed to the kitchen to prepare some food. Miko knowing the timing hesitated whether to tell him anything regarding Citrina and his visit to her apartment. But then again he thought even if he dodged Tito now, later he was going to know it fast and letting Tito know first was his best shot after the confirmed death of Grigory Troublov.
“Tomorrow, I will be visiting Citrina. She called me requesting to show her some rubies. Is that okay with you?” Miko waited for Tito’s reply.
Tito looked at Miko in a suspicious way. Miko had never seen Tito staring at him in such a way before. But he was patient. He didn’t want any trouble.
“Sanders is back. That means we can go back to our office and continue the old friendship and deals we had with them before. It’s a good news,” Tito said without replying to Miko’s request. Miko knew immediately Tito had something else in his mind.
“Do you really want to meet her at her apartment?” Tito asked Miko again.
“Yeah. I think so. It’s safe. She has been calling, and I haven’t told anyone our problems. But she wants to see the rubies,” Miko replied.
“Well, I wouldn’t stop if you think her intentions are genuine, you know what I am saying? But to let you know now, Sanders has just told me to have a look at some of the rubies from Stanley Chen. He is on his way to our place with Baddy. So I want you to be with me now. If everything goes well with the selection, you should be able to visit Citrina tomorrow,” Tito said calmly. Tito had given the directions to Baddy to reach their camp.
Miko had no problems. He was happy that Baddy was accompanying Chen, who had a history of marital problem, but somehow had a way of getting rubies from God forbidden places. Now he wondered about the qualities of the rubies Stanley was carrying, but if Baddy was accompanying him there were reasons.
Tito wasn’t elaborating much. And before Miko could rush to the kitchen for food, the doorbell rang.
Tito welcomed Baddy and Stanley to the study room. Miko brought in the soft drinks and cookies, while Chichi remained in the kitchen. She left them alone knowing the habits of these men in business. It was back to business after a few introductory ‘how do you do’s?’
“Look at this parcel of rubies. Where are they from Stanley?” Tito commented, opening the plastic bag.
“Cambodia! Good color, isn’t it?” Stanley rubbed the stone parcel. Baddy remained calm and composed, waiting for Tito’s comments.
“The colors are mixed. How do you want to sell? The whole or selection?” Tito asked glancing at Stanley and Baddy. As Baddy smiled, Stanley looked tense and undecided.
“Either you take the whole parcel or just leave it,” Stanley quipped.
“What’s the price for the parcel?” Miko interrupted.
Stanley scribbled his numbers on a piece of paper and slipped it through his fingers
to Tito. Now Miko began to wonder why Baddy was quiet. He wasn’t making any comment other than watch.
“What’s this, the asking price or transaction price?” Tito asked.
“What? You don’t like the numbers?” Stanley replied quickly. That gesture brought a quick laughter from Baddy. Stanley had a way of replying. Very comic!
“Come on, Stanley. You know my taste and numbers. Why are we wasting our time?” Tito said plainly.
Stanley scribbled again on a piece of paper and slipped it through his fingers to Tito.
“I can’t sell at this price, Stanley. My customers will never come back to me if I show this price. How is your wife?” Tito said.
“She is pregnant!” Stanley answered quickly. Baddy couldn’t resist this time. He laughed loudly, joined by Miko. Stanley couldn’t understand why they were laughing. Then he too began to laugh.
“You knocked her up again?” Miko asked.
“She asked for it. It was not my wish. What can I do? Every night when I’m back she is waiting for me at my bedside with everything flat open to enter. How can I resist? So I had to help her,” Stanley replied. That comment brought another round of laughter, this time more forcefully. Chichi just arrived with some cakes and fruits but after seeing the environment, she decided to flee.
Stanley continued, “Not good for the business, Tito. I can’t see the colors properly when I help her in bed. Everything looks blurred. Gray! Why is it like that?”
“Maybe, you are getting old. How come you don’t wear glasses?” Miko said, still laughing.
“I don’t need that. All these years I had no problems. It’s going to continue that way. Only after the night I help her, I have this hangover. Then I’ve problems seeing the colors,” Stanley commented.
Everyone calmed down and got busy with the cakes and fruits. The rubies were still on the table waiting for a decision. Baddy wanted to get a feel of the price, as he had to be in Cambodia shortly.
“How about these colors in the Cambodian parcel? Can you see them?” Baddy asked for the first time since the bidding started.
“Oh sure, when I do business with you guys, I don’t help her. I can’t afford that mistake,” Stanley answered honestly.
“So what’s the real price?” Miko interrupted again.
“I can’t come down,” Stanley continued. “Then I lose money. You know how much I make from this parcel. The numbers are realistic for both of us. Make a good decision.”
The game had already started.
“Still your price is high,” Tito added. “It’s a different world out there, Stanley. They are well informed. Those days have gone when they believed whatever I said. Today they bargain, and when that happens, my prices must be competitive. That’s how I survive. If I can’t get a competitive price, they go elsewhere. When that happens two times, three times, four times, they are gone. No come back. Then I’ve lost a customer, understand? I want to avoid that. You must help me to avoid that scenario. Now give me your realistic price, will you?”
Baddy nodded. He knew immediately Tito was closing in, in his own way. Stanley scribbled again on a piece of paper and slipped it through his fingers to Tito.
“Oh, cannot! Listen, I think I better leave you alone with the cakes and fruits. I don’t want to waste your time either. What else do you have? Any good ones, single stones?” Tito asked deliberately.
“Sure,” Stanley said. “How about this one? You won’t believe this piece.”
“Where on earth is this from?” Miko asked.
“Luc Yen, Vietnam! A 9carat piece! Do you like it? I know what you like. Your face and eyes are all screaming at the ruby at the same time. Take it,” Stanley said purposely to hype the situation. Baddy too was glued to the ruby. All he wanted was to get a feel of numbers, the tricks and traps they played while negotiating a new parcel of rubies.
“What’s your last price for this ruby?” Tito asked firmly.
“Tito, why do you want to cut me so soon? I’m roaming all over the streets to bring you the good ones, and then look at how you are killing me with your price. Give me your offer. Then I’ll tell you if it is too high or low,” Stanley answered glancing at Baddy. Instead, Baddy just kept smiling at him.
“Who owns this stone?” Miko asked.
“The owner wants to remain anonymous,” Stanley said. “I think you will respect that decision. Why all this beating around the bush, Miko? If you guys like the ruby, then you should take it. Give me my price, and you will make your money in a unique way. I’m telling you pieces like this won’t come every day. This one is different.”
Everyone remained silent for sometime. They knew that too well what Stanley was up to with his so-called unique ruby.
“I know,” Tito added. “Give me your last price.”
Stanley scribbled his number again on a piece of paper and slipped it to Tito. After seeing the number, Tito said, “Okay, I will take it.”
The deal was over.
“How about the Cambodian parcel? You can’t leave it like that. Once it is gone it won’t come back to me or to you either,” Stanley reminded Tito keeping up the pressure. Baddy kept mum, watching their number play drinking diet coke.
“The problem is that it is too mixed. I’ll have to sort and re-sort the whole bloody lot to fit my clients needs. Then it’s gonna be a different pricing situation, and taking into account everything your numbers just don’t make any sense to help me at any level. I’ll have to leave it to you. I can afford to wait,” Tito replied calmly.
“How can you say something like that, Tito? You are ruining my life. I’ve a family to feed. Now one more is coming soon anytime. Think about it. Do you want them to starve for the rest of their lives? Come on, you can’t be that cruel to me,” Stanley commented knowing Tito’s mind.
“Who will pay me when I lose, uh? We all need to make money. I’ve no idea where you got the numbers from, but what I know is that I just can’t make enough profit if I pay your price. It’s as simple as that. Why this patriotic cry? Be more realistic. When I can make money with this parcel, then I’ll buy. If I can’t, I just tell the truth. We have known each for how long?” Tito said, staring at Stanley and Baddy.
“Fifteen years!”
“Is it too short? You must know more about me and my prices by this time,” Tito added.
“Okay, don’t cry. I know what you mean. I just can’t afford to lose a friend,” Stanley answered. He immediately scribbled his price on a piece of paper and gave it to Tito.
“Okay, I’ll take it,” Tito uttered.
“Thanks, Tito. You’re my hero of the day. Do you want to see more?” Stanley asked.
“Hey, Stanley, looks like you have a lot of colors today. Is that right?” Baddy interrupted.
Miko and Baddy spread the rubies on a white tray checking their color. Meanwhile, Chichi arrived again with another tray of fruits and cakes to keep them merry.
“What did you buy?” she asked Tito. Tito showed the parcel he just bought to Chichi.
“Hmm, fair to good. How did the numbers go?” Chichi glanced at Miko this time.
“They were okay,” Miko replied.
“What else do you have?” she turned her attention to Stanley.
“I’ve some rubies from Nepal and Russia. You want to see them?” he asked curiously.
“Hmm, what do they look like?” she asked.
“Like rubies from anywhere else. Pinkish red, purplish red, orangish red and hot red, if they reach that peak. But the ones I have, you can judge by yourself. No hurry,” Stanley reminded her. After taking a few pieces in her hand, she said, “Not so good. Do you have any Burmese, Thai or Vietnamese?”
“Sure,” he added. “No problem. Single stones or parcels?”
“Both. But first, show me singles stones: anything above 5carat,” she said glancing at Tito. Instead, he signaled her to go ahead while he joined Baddy and Miko.
“How about this? The mother of all color, 8carat! If you have any Chinese clients they will swallow this piece with one gulp. What do you think?” Stanley asked patiently.
“Hmm, what’s the price like?” she asked again.
Stanley Chen scribbled the number on a piece of paper for a bid.
“Why is it too high?” she reminded him.
“What do you mean too high? This is the market price. What’s your bid price, Chichi?” he asked calmly.
“I want you to come down,” she said. What do you think?”
“She is right, Stanley,” Miko added. “Come down to a realistic level. Do you want to buy Tito?”
“Yeah, I have a client who can afford this color. But the price, Stanley, you have to make it affordable to quote. I mean, you must really help me,” Tito said.
Chichi waited watching the games these men were playing against each other. She knew it too well. She wanted to see the outcome.
“What do you want me to do? I’ve already told you my problem. The market is already tight with money and the wrong goods. I’m just lucky that I’ve something that other’s don’t have. You must work out your numbers for our mutual benefit. I can’t go further down. Believe me, this is the last price,” Stanley cried.
“The last price? How many times have you told me that during the past fifteen years? When are you gonna stop this excuse?” Tito recalled.
Chichi laughed at both men.
“Give me a break. Okay, I will write down your last price. Let me see, if we have enough room for a last deal. My wife is waiting patiently,” Tito said.
“How many more months left for the final exit?” Mike asked changing the subject.
“One more,” Stanley said, while waiting for Tito’s reply.
Instead, Stanley took the first initiative. He scribbled again, his transaction price on a piece of paper.
“Deal closed. Why did you have to haggle so long? We could have all finished earlier,” Tito commented.
“Well, that’s the fun of this business,” Stanley said. “I don’t want to end this bargaining so quickly. Then all the magic, mystery, and uncertainity is gone. I hate that. No big deal.”
Everyone nodded.
“Okay, what next?” Stanley asked.
“Of course, the food,” Chichi reminded glancing at everyone.
The mobile rang. “It’s my wife. I got to go. She is having the pain. Okay, guys I’ll be in your office tomorrow to settle the money and other issues.”
“Wait for a sec,” Baddy said. He drove Stanley to the hospital promising Tito that he would be returning soon.

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