
Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Written by Julian Robov

Forty Two

It had been a hectic day for Rudy. He was talking on his cell-phone when James arrived from Pathumthani.
“It was Seri, “ Rudy said. “Someone had gemsicuted (put to death according to a plan because of gemstones) Suvit in a gruesome way at his residence. The killer left some markings on his thigh. The rest is nowhere to be seen. Guess what?”
“Crystal habits of Pailin blue sapphires—some kind of strange-looking round and angular outline. Can you believe this?” Rudy said in a state of shock.
“What’s the message?”
“I wish I knew the answer. Seri is really shaken after the incident, and I don’t know how on earth he can concentrate in his work. You know something? Suvit and Seri were partners before, and he was partly involved in my kidnapping too, but now look what the fuck is going on.”
“Are you scared?”
“Of course, yes,” Rudy replied. “That’s life. Come, let’s get back to our work. This one is really big, and we are talking about big fucking money, if we can get those stones with the report in a week. What a coincidence! We need Peter’s help to get the laboratory report in time.”
James called Johnny. His phone was busy.
Meanwhile, Rudy called Prapan. His line too was busy. He tried to call Malee. The response was the same. They both tried again and again—tough luck. Rudy dashed to the kitchen to fetch some drinks and snacks, as they kept trying to reach any one of them. As they were taking a short break, Rudy’s cell-phone rang.
“Why you had to leave so quick?” Potch asked caringly.
“I think I be will seeing you tomorrow morning. I have a customer who needs special stones in a week, and he is in town. I’m trying to reach our contacts and the whole night is going to be busy. By the way, I urgently need Peter’s help. The customer needs laboratory reports for five hundred stones in three days. Peter must work day and night to get the reports ready.”
“Don’t worry,” Potch said. “I’ll take care of that. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Thank you, Potch.” She then hung up.
“I have got Johnny on the line,” James interrupted. “He says he has—number one, 100 pieces of oval cut, 1carat, violetish blue, lightly included and good cut pieces. Number two, 200 pieces of oval cut, 3carats, violetish blue, light to moderately included, good cut, and number three, 50 pieces of rectangular step cut, 4carats, greenish blue, loupe clean and good cut. The rest we need to wait for another a week or so. The stones are all in his safe deposit vault. That means we need to go to Chantaburi quickly, before someone else feels like snatching the gems.”
“So far so good,” Rudy said.
The cell-phone rang again. Johnny was calling.
“Can you believe this?” James said. “He is going to deliver the stones in Bangkok tomorrow morning. That means after color grading the blue sapphires, the stones can go directly to the laboratory.”
“I think I’ll need Peter’s help again,” Rudy added. “Let them color grade and identify the stones. It might cost a bit more, but given the time limit and the engagements we have, I don’t think we would be able to color grade ourselves.”
“I think you have a point,” James answered.
Rudy tried to call Prapan again. And, finally he got through.
“Khun Prapan, I need your help.”
“Hold the line, will you?” Prapan said. He was talking to the Prime Minister on his second cell-phone. “Okay, what’s up?”
“I need blue sapphires, Khun Prapan. Number one, 50 pieces, round brilliant cut, 8carats each, royal blue, lightly included, and well cut. Number two, 100 pieces, cushion cut, 4 to 6carats, blue, lightly included, fair to good cut. Do you think I can find the stones in two days?” Rudy asked nervously.
“You got it,” Prapan said quickly. “Come to my office anytime tomorrow. I am leaving for Cambodia tonight to meet Hun Sen. By the way, how is your business moving?”
“Seri called me a few hours ago,” Rudy replied. “Suvit has been found brutally gemsicuted (put to death according to a plan because of gemstones) by someone at his residence. Did you hear the news, Khun Prapan?”
Prapan remained silent for a few minutes.
“Yeah! That’s life, isn’t it? Sometimes worth the price of a few natural blue sapphires,” Prapan said. “Only a few are lucky enough to die in peace. Maybe, Suvit was a bit unlucky in this lifetime. I hope his next life will be less tragic. Now listen, you can come anytime tomorrow, and I will make sure the stones are not misplaced. Bobby should be able to take care of the situation. We will discuss the price after I get back. I have to go now, and one more thing. Take care.”
“Thank you, Khun Prapan!” He then hung up.
“The fuck it’s over. We have the five hundred stones. I am back. Rudy Smith is back to fucking life. Can you believe this?” Rudy said to James in a happy mood with a high five and body slam. “Call Peter quickly before he goes to bed with someone.”
James dialed the number and waited.
“Hi, Peter speaking. Who is calling?”
“Rudy. I have five hundred blue sapphires for you. I need you to identify and color grade every stones with a final report in two days. And I need it urgently, because the customer is in Bangkok.”
“Yeah! I know,” Peter said. “Potch just called. I have told my staff to close the lab for two days to finish your work. I think there should be no problem. We’re ready to do business with you.”
“Thank you, Peter,” Rudy said. “You’re a good friend. I’ll get the stones tomorrow morning before ten.” He then hung up.
“Great!” James screamed. “Now what?”
“Let’s watch a video tonight,” Rudy said. “Here it is—SCENT OF A WOMAN. I like Al Pacino movies. He always blends different characters into a believable format. He is great. The work is fucking good.” James nodded. He too was a Al Pacino fan. James and Rudy then slumped on the sofa with snacks and beer in hand. After twenty minutes, they were fast asleep.

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