
Friday, December 08, 2006


Written by Julian Robov

Fifty Eight

Seri was already in the office at seven thirty the next morning. He picked up the phone, and ordered breakfast and a copy of the Nation. An inside news page really amused him. A drunken driver had unknowingly driven home a dead motorcyclist, whose body had been apparently thrown into his car in a collision, and now possibly facing charges for drunk driving and involuntary manslaughter. The police investigation had concluded that the victim might have been thrown into the car by the impact of the collision. This could have happened only in Bangkok. He laughed.
The telephone rang.
“Sawadee Khrap!”
“Newin! Sawadee Khrap! What’s the news?”
“Good news. I have a new customer for you. Chai called me to contact a lady from London, and I talked to her on the phone. It looks like the previous one. They have money. I have some new but big stones from Pailin.” Newin knew he had to pay a small cut (commission) to Chai for the introduction. A common tradition.
“Where is she staying? Is she alone?”
“Paratip Court! She is experienced.”
“You mean a gem expert?”
“I don’t know, but she is young and knowledgeable. I am sending some sample stones to your office. After the meeting let me know, if she needs more. The market is very tight so quote the price accordingly.”
“Already. Thanks for calling.” He hung up, noting her telephone number.
He had something more important, the big fish—Rudy Smith. In a few days time he would know how compliant Rudy would be, knowing the fact that he was in his territory—so far so good.
Seri had been feeling restless for the past several weeks for a strange reason. His doctor had earlier identified his andropause (a mid-life transition similar to the menopause that most women go through)during a regular check-up, and had been under the close supervision of a specialist. It was back again. The reactivated sexual urge had occurred after watching Mark and a Russian prostitute having sex close-up in various postures before their gemsicution (put to death according to a plan because of gemstones). He had been feeling like a slut. Though he tried to brush aside the thought, the images kept returning vividly. He wanted to have one such experience—his way. Life was too short and unpredictable. The philosophical reasoning had to do with the Playboy magazine and treatment at a discreet clinic. He had a copy and began flicking the pages getting aroused.

There was a gentle knock on the door. His stupid-looking secretary had arrived holding a tray of tea and biscuits. As she was busy cleaning the office, he stood behind watching her bottom. Though it looked like an irregular cut cabochon, he decided to do some experiments. He didn’t care about the consequences. She was his employee.

Minutes later, she was in his arms confused but compliant, as he began to undress waxing her bottoms. She knew there was no way she could escape knowing the situation. He began studying her naked body—like a novice louping a gemstone. The more he sucked her flesh, the more excited she was. He had a way of doing the research and now she was enjoying his experiment. Both were naked on the floor thrusting each other in a passionate embrace. Her fear had disappeared, and Seri was happy as ever having taken the chance. She had gone out of her way to teach him how to fuck even better in a different position. Now he knew how to switch on the trigger buttons before the play. Theory and practice.

Hours later, after a thorough clean-up, Seri decided to raise her salary five fold after showing him five new positions to fuck better. Though unexpected, she had no regrets. In fact, she had been waiting for the opportunity for quite sometime. After collecting the check, she promised that she would be available whenever he needed her—no questions asked. He nodded.

He checked the calendar. After she had left, he began checking the cabinet files and secret drawers. He had several parcels of gemstones belonging to Jeffrey hidden beneath the drawer awaiting a victim. He called them special blue gems for special customers. They were so good and difficult to identify, he decided to take a few samples stones from the lot for an experiment with Ms Jambo. He wanted to know how knowledgeable the woman was knowing the difficulty of finding of such stones. A few genuine blue sapphires from Newin duly marked were also to be included for the special viewing. That way the whole ritual looked genuine and less trickery. A MASTER OF HUMAN FABRICATION.

As he sat in his chair pondering, he looked confused as to how to handle Meechai. He had several options in front of him. It was a gamble. He thought of Meechai. He knew a lot, and at the same time he was an unpredictable person—strongly pleochroic (different colors in different direction) and unreliable. If he hadn’t been his brother, Meechai would have been dead meat already.

Lately he had been showing strange symptoms, at times sitting in a meditation posture chanting Buddha and Death. And now he had requested a three month Buddhist retreat upcountry. Though a tradition in the country, Seri began worrying about Meechai’s religious shift. There were too many confused religious sects in the country, all heading to the forest and caves for experiments or revelation returning mad as ever—like a pseudomorph(false form).

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