Friday, December 25, 2009

Rate Your Own Leadership Skills

Alaina Love's opinion piece in BusinessWeek about inspirational leaders was brilliant. Thanks Alaina. Take a moment to rate your own leadership over the past year on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being the best) for each of the following characteristics.

1. Authentic rather than phony.
2. Reliable rather than erratic.
3. Anchored rather than disconnected.
4. Optimistic rather than pessimistic.
5. Self-aware rather than unconscious.
6. Driven by purpose and passion rather than power and fear.
7. Inclusive rather than divisive.
8. Focused on others rather than self-focused.
9. Respectful rather than manipulative.
10. Able to foster other leaders rather than demanding followers.

Useful link:

I thought it was great self-reflection toolkit.

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