Sunday, March 25, 2007

A Couple Of Unusual Diamonds

(via Wahroongai News, Volume 32, Number 4, April 1998)

The appearance in the marketplace of parcels of saturated greenish yellow to yellowish green to brownish fancy colored diamonds—with unusual characteristics—has led to suggestions that these colors could have been induced by a new hyperbaric heating treatment that consists of high temperature and pressure heat treatment (? in a Russian Bars apparatus) that reverses naturally occurring aggregation of nitrogen in the diamonds. Suggested source material for this treatment is low quality, mostly Argyle-type natural diamonds.

The treated diamond’s color has two components: a saturated yellow to brownish body color and a strong greenish luminescence to strong visible light emitted by distinctively visible brownish yellow growth lines in the diamond. This gives the green transmitter diamond’s body color a greenish overcast that is readily visible in daylight. When viewed in somewhat subdued lighting these strongly green fluorescent growth lines often contrast strongly against the brownish body color of the diamonds. When exposed to LWUV the growth lines fluoresce a strong green. Examination of the diamond under magnification reveals prominent graining and color zoning paralleling octahedral faces, pitted and corroded (? burnt) facet junctions, girdle, external surfaces of surface-reaching fractures, and heavily bearded girdles.

Examination with gemological hand-held spectroscope revealed pairs of absorption and bright emission lines at 513 and 518nm, absorption lines at 415 (N3 center) and 503nm (H3 center), and a broad absorption band between 465 and 494nm. A more detailed examination with a spectrophotometer confirmed the presence of these features and added a weak absorption peak at 637nm and a weak to strong peak at 985nm (in the invisible near-infrared)—which was assigned to the irradiation high temperature (>1400ÂșC) annealing induced H2 center.

It is concerning that none of these obviously treated greenish yellow to yellow green to brown diamonds displayed the 595nm, 741nm (GR1) or HIb and HIc absorptions that would be expected to be found in irradiated and heat treated yellow or green diamonds.

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